Students at Kenyon live in traditional residence halls, apartments, and in houses based on shared interests and themes.
Within the residences halls and other housing options detailed below, Kenyon offers gender inclusive and substance-free housing.
Residence Halls
Many Kenyon students live in historic stone residence halls. All residence are smoke-free. With the exception of some program and specialty housing spaces, all campus housing is gender-inclusive.
Upperclass Halls and Apartments
Upperclass students have the option to live in a variety of residence halls and apartments.
Program and Specialty Housing
Program, Greek, and student organization based housing options are available for upperclass students. Students who live in these housing options have shared interests or belong to the same campus organization.
Program Housing
Students involved in campus organizations that focus on support for specific student identities have the opportunity to live in program houses.
Greek Housing
Students in Greek life hone their leadership skills as they participate in governance and community-service activities. At Kenyon, fraternities, sororities, and societies occupy specialty housing spaces in residence halls. Certain Greek organizations may have specific housing arrangements based on historical building and preservation contributions.
Student Organization Housing
Student organization housing enables a group of students to live together and explore a common interest. Groups vary in size, and locations range from apartments and suites to stand-alone houses. Assigned spaces may shift from year to year.
Additional Housing Options
Gender Inclusive Housing
Gender inclusive housing allows Kenyon students to live with any student(s) regardless of gender identity. All residence halls, apartments, houses and suites are considered gender inclusive rooms with several gender-specific exceptions.
Substance-free Housing
Substance-free areas offer an additional measure of support for students who choose not to drink or use drugs. Substances include alcohol, cigarettes and other smoking materials as well as all illicit drugs.

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When I received an email telling me I was being offered a double room in the Crozier Center for Women, I was ecstatic.