Employer/Tax ID Number: 314379507 (also known as EIN, TIN and FEIN)
DUNS Number: 063580369
Congressional District: OH-12
Carnegie Classifications:
Baccalaureate Colleges: Arts & Sciences
Small four-year highly residential
Full-time four-year, more selective, lower transfer-in
Exclusively undergraduate four-year
Arts & sciences focus, no graduate coexistence
For specific demographic and enrollment data, please consult the Kenyon Factbook published by the Office of Institutional Research. If you need more detailed information for a narrative on the College's mission, history, etc., please discuss with the Executive Director of Sponsored Research & Strategic Initiatives.
Indirect Cost Rates (also used for “Overhead”):
On Campus 51.50%
Off Campus 16.30%
Direct salary and wages including vacation, holiday, sick pay and other paid absences but excluding all other fringe benefits.
Annual Fringe benefits are typically estimated at 35% of your base salary.
Summer fringe benefits are typically estimated at 17.15% (7.65 FICA & 9.5 TIAA match) of your base salary.
Compliance: General Link
IACUC Assurance: D16-00664 (A4314-01)
IRB Registration: IRB00006294 Kenyon College IRB #1
IRB Federal-Wide Assurance Number: FWA00015567
Established in 1824, Kenyon is the oldest private college in Ohio. With over 1,700 students and nearly 200 faculty members, we are a fully-residential undergraduate institution that builds strong foundations for lives of purpose and consequence. We harness the transformative power of a liberal arts education — engaging in spirited, informed, and collaborative inquiry — to form a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the world and all who inhabit it. The personal, long-term relationships among students and their professors is a fundamental characteristic of the Kenyon experience. We also firmly believe equitable access to opportunity is essential to fostering a community in which every person has a sense of full belonging and the tools to reach their full potential. Kenyon College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (Chicago, Illinois).