Article III. Officers

Thirteen (13) officers shall comprise Campus Senate: six students, two members of the faculty, two staff members, the provost or designee, the vice president for student affairs or designee, and the president of the College or designee.

Section 1: Eligibility

Any full-time student in residence, tenured or tenure-track faculty, staff, or administrator shall be eligible to hold office as specified under this Constitution. Students may not serve in officer roles when participating in an off-campus study program or while on leave from the College.

A. Faculty Officers

  1. The faculty shall elect two of its members to serve on the Campus Senate, one member to serve as the co-chair, one to serve as a member-at-large.
  2. Faculty officers may not serve more than four consecutive semesters on Campus Senate.
  3. Faculty co-chair
    • i. One year (two consecutive semesters) term, preferred prior experience serving on
      Campus Senate.
    • ii. Must have obtained tenure status prior to the beginning of the term.

B. Student Officers

  1. Student officers must be fully enrolled at Kenyon College and be in good conduct standing with the College at time of verification through the duration of the term, and have an earned 2.500 cumulative grade point average at the time of verification.
  2. Student co-chair
    • i. Candidates for the Student co-chair must have had a minimum of one full semester of experience as a Senate student officer, Student Council officer, or have served on a Student Council committee, excluding ad hoc committees.
  3. Student Officers
    • i. The Student Council president, or their designee, shall serve as a student officer.
    • ii. Additional student officers shall represent a designated class year: first year, second year, junior, or senior class.

C. Staff Officers

  1. Staff officers, one member to serve as co-chair, one to serve as a member-at-large, shall be appointed by the Kenyon Staff Council or equivalent body. If there is no such body active, the president of the College will appoint staff members to the Senate.
  2. Staff co-chair
    • i. One year (two consecutive semesters) term, preferred prior experience serving on
      Campus Senate.
  3. Staff members may not serve more than four consecutive semesters on Campus Senate.
  4. Staff officers may not be members of the President’s Senior Staff.

D. Senior Staff Officers

  1. Administrative representation shall be the provost or their designee, and the vice president for student affairs or their designee as they serve as members of the senior staff team.

E. Administrative coordinator

  1. The administrative coordinator shall be an administrator appointed by the Office of the President, who shall not vote.

Section 2: Officer Selection

A. Faculty Officers

  1. Faculty positions will be selected through the regular election procedure facilitated by the faculty as indicated in the Faculty Handbook.

B. Student Officers

  1. Elections will be conducted by the Campus Senate Co-Chairs.
  2. The entire student body may vote for the Student co-chair position.
  3. Only members of a class year may vote for their class representative.
  4. Election Timeline
    • i. Applications for positions will be available by the Monday of the fifth week of the spring semester and will remain open until the Monday of the eighth week of the spring semester.
    • ii. Applicant eligibility will be verified by Student Affairs during the eighth week of the spring semester. Applicants will be notified if they do or do not meet eligibility requirements by the end of the eighth week.
    • iii. Candidates may campaign from the Monday of the ninth week through Friday of the tenth week of the spring semester.
    • iv. Voting will occur during the eleventh week of the spring semester. The candidate with the most votes will win the election. Winning candidates will be notified by Friday of that same week and must accept or decline the position by the Monday of the twelfth week of the semester. If the winning candidate chooses not to accept the position, the position shall be opened for a special election.
  5. Campaigning
    • i. Regulations surrounding campaigning apply to each person running regardless of the number of positions for which they are running. Regulations for campaigning are as follows:
      • Each candidate is limited to 50 posters/flyers
      • Only two email messages to promote their candidacy. This email must be sent
        through and may not contain the link to the poll site.
      • Posters/flyers may only be posted on bulletin boards and other surfaces designed for such communication. Posting may not occur on entryway doors to any campus buildings.
      • All campaign materials must clearly state who takes responsibility for them.
      • All printed materials must be removed within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the election process. If not removed, a fine of five dollars per day will be assessed directly to the candidate.
  6. Special Elections
    • i. Special elections will be called by the presiding Campus Senate Co-Chairs.
    • ii. The Campus Senate co-chairs will have to determine the timeline and procedure for any election. The electorate for special elections is the same as that for normal elections. Typically, any vacancies still remaining at the conclusion of a regular election will allow for one day for applications to be submitted, two days for voting, and one day for candidates to accept the position. The candidate with the most votes will win the election. If the winning candidate chooses not to accept the position, the position shall be opened for a special election.
  7. First Year Class Representative Elections
    • i. Shall be completed by the end of the fourth full week of the fall semester.
    • ii. Any member of the first year class meeting the eligibility requirements may be considered.
    • iii. All members of the first year class may vote in the election.

C. Staff Officers

  1. Staff officers are designated by the Staff Council through its outlined process.

D. Organizational meeting of new officers

  1. One organizational meeting shall be held after the general election of officers and before the last day of classes. All newly elected officers, the continuing faculty co-chair (if applicable), and ex officio officers shall be eligible to participate.

Section 3: Term

A. Term Details

All officers shall serve for one year and their term of office shall begin at the commencement of the fall semester.

Section 4: Removal from Office

A. Eligibility

All elected or appointed officers of the Campus Senate are subject to removal from office.

B. Officers may face removal for the following reasons:

  1. Failure to perform the functions of their office.
  2. Failure to meet officer meeting attendance requirements.
  3. Failure to meet officer eligibility requirements.
  4. Failure to execute regularly assigned responsibilities and meet the obligations of the Campus Senate.
  5. Violate the principles and provisions of the campus government.

C. Facilitation

Campus Senate co-chairs shall facilitate the removal from office process. In the case of a co-chair facing removal from office, the other co-chairs shall facilitate the removal process.

Section 5. Vacancy

A. Vacancy Details

If a vacancy occurs, the procedure for special elections will be implemented.