Amy Henricksen welcomes the opportunity to meet with anyone interested in learning more about conserving land within a five-mile radius of Kenyon College. Partnerships are key to our work and we are fortunate to work with many community partners and students and staff at the College who are committed to protecting local farmland and natural resources. We also appreciate the opportunity to work closely with student interns who help spread the word about our mission and provide creative content for the conservancy's blog, A Knox County Almanac

Read more below about the staff and student interns.

Staff Members

Name Contact Department or Center Profile Image

Amy Henricksen

Director of Philander Chase Conservancy
steward, Kokosing Nature Preserve
Woollam House 108
Phone Number
(740) 427-5902

Mo Helser

Admin Asst, Philander Chase Cons & Kokosing Nature Preserve
Woollam House
Phone Number
(740) 427-5045

Evan Stern

Project Coordinator Philander Chase Conservancy
Woollam House
Phone Number
(740) 427-5105

Samantha Bartram

Green Burial Coordinator
Woollam House 106
Phone Number
(740) 427-5047

Philander Chase Conservancy Interns

Zachary Aronson-Paxton '25

Zachary is a senior and is majoring in biology and environmental studies. He is from Detroit and spends his time at Kenyon participating in biological research, playing club sports and tutoring underclassmen. After graduating, Zachary intends to go to graduate school and eventually pursue a career researching wildlife responses to climate change. Contact Zachary at

Clara Hales '26

Clara is a junior philosophy major from Evanston, Illinois. When she is not in class, she can often be found running or walking the Kokosing Gap Trail. She’s interested in the intersections between conservation and food systems, and she has worked at the Kenyon Farm. After Kenyon, she hopes to have adventures outdoors while continuing to learn about relationships between people and the land around them. Contact Clara at

Tommy Hillmer '25

Tommy is a senior environmental studies major from Wellesley, Massachusetts. He enjoys performing with the Chamber Singers and in theatrical productions on campus, as well as running on the Kokosing Gap Trail and volunteering at the BFEC. After Kenyon, he hopes to pursue a career in communications or event planning for environmental organizations.  Contact Tommy at

Jordan Schisler '25

Jordan is a senior environmental studies major and a biology and english double minor. She is familiar with Knox County as her home away from the Hill is Mount Vernon. On campus, Jordan conducts environmental research, plays with the Kenyon College Rugby Club and is a part of other eco-friendly organizations. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in environmental research. Contact Jordan at