Student Accessibility and Support Services (SASS) coordinates academic and program accommodations. Students can schedule an appointment by emailing to discuss accommodations, auxiliary aids and support services.

Students register with the SASS office by completing the Intake survey in Accommodate. (If you are unable to log into Accommodate please enter your Kenyon email as the ID without including the

Login to Accommodate

New and Prospective Families

For new/first-time students registering with SASS, we highly recommended that requests for disability-related accommodations and services be made as soon as you are an enrolled student by completing the SASS Accommodate Intake Survey in Accommodate.

In order to better manage student needs, the SASS office has assigned staff liaisons alphabetically according to the first letter of the student’s last name.  When emailing the SASS office or requesting an appointment in Accommodate, please be certain to connect with the SASS liaison assigned as seen here:


Required testing information

Book an Appointment with a SASS Advisor

(1) Log into accommodate, (2) select the Appointment menu item and select REQUEST AN APPOINTMENT — you do not need to select a meeting type — (3) select a date range and two different dates for the date range fields, (4) select CHECK AVAILABILITY.

While Kenyon does not provide diagnostic testing services, we do provide information about external services.

Phone Number
Email Address
Chalmers Library 220 (second floor)
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022
Fax: 740-427-5523