1. Why does the Registrar's Office say to stay out of Plan Ahead when requests are being processed?
    If a student is in their plans during the processing of requests, the system cannot access your plan. The system then ignores all requests. Sign out of Plan Ahead before the scheduled time for your graduation term's plan ahead processing time.
  2. Why are my courses in alpha order instead of the order I entered them?
    The system is recording a sequence number that you cannot see when you add and save a course to the plan. Computer systems order things; alpha order is what the programmers have chosen. The sequence number will be used to order your courses.
    Each time you add a course to the plan, click save. This ensures that the order will be as you expect. With testing, we discovered that if two or more courses are added without saving in between, the order will be reverse order that those courses were selected. That means add a course. Save. Add a course. Save.
  3. What do I do if I get the HTTP 500 Internal Server Error? 
    Your computer might be caching information. To avoid this error clear your browsing history or paste the link into a new incognito window of your browser.
  4. How do I list alternate courses?
    In each Round (1-5), add your primary course then save. Add the first alternate then save, etc...
  5. What do I do if I accidentally delete Round 1, Round 2, Round 3, Round 4 or Round 5?
    The good news is you can create it again. The name of the plan needs to be “Round 1” or whichever plan you deleted. You will need to add your alternate PIN to the Round 1 plan in the note by clicking on the note icon. icon
  6. When I click register for courses I get an error. How do I fix this?
    You do not need to fix this. Your task is to add the sections to your plan. On the landing page please click “Plan Ahead.” 
  7. Why don't the days and times show in my plan?
    If you click on Edit Plan, the schedule will appear in the bottom left panel of the screen in a week view. 
  8. Why doesn't the schedule grid on my plan show the times and days of the course?
    If the time, days, and instructors do not appear, you added the course to your plan before clicking on "View Section." Search for the course again. Click "View Section", then add the section to your plan.