AP credit counts toward the 128 semester hours required for the degree. However, no diversification requirement (i.e., four divisions) may be satisfied with AP credit.

AP credit may serve as a prerequisite for specific courses in the department, toward requirements for the major, and as advanced placement, depending on each department's decision. Students who enroll in courses for which the AP placement is equivalent will have the AP credit removed from their record by the Registrar.

Advanced placement, as opposed to credit, is determined by the department. AP credit may not be substituted for a semester of residence at the College.

AP Exam Exam # Score Equivalent Placement Credit
Biology 20 5 BIOL 115 BIOL 116 BIOL/4
-- -- 4 BIOL 115 BIOL 116 BIOL/4
-- -- 3   BIOL 115 --
Biology International
6 or 7
High level
BIOL 115 BIOL 116 BIOL/4
cannot have both AP and IB
Calculus AB 66 4 or 5 MATH 111 MATH 112 MATH/4
Calculus BC 68 4 or 5 MATH 112 MATH 213 MATH/4
Calculus AB Subscore 69 4 or 5 MATH 111  MATH 112  
Chemistry 25 4 or 5 CHEM 121 CHEM 122 CHEM/4
Chinese Language & Culture 28 4 or 5 CHNS 213-214Y CHNS 321 or above CHNS/4
-- 28 3 Satisfies language requirement see department for placement --
Computer Science A 31 4 or 5 SCMP 118/COMP 118 SCMP 218/COMP 218 SCMP/4
English Lang & Composition 36 4 or 5   may receive credit for English Lang or Lit but not both ENGL/4
English Lit & Composition 37 4 or 5   may receive credit for English Lang or Lit but not both ENGL/4
European History 43 4 or 5   200 level History course HIST/4
French Language & Culture 48 4 or 5 FREN 213Y-214Y FREN 321 or above FREN/4
-- 48 3 Satisfies language requirement FREN 214Y --
German Language & Culture 55 4 or 5 GERM 213Y-214Y GERM 321 or above GERM/4
-- 55 3 Satisfies language requirement GERM 213Y --
Govt & Politics: Comparative 58 4 or 5   see department for placement PSCI/4
Govt & Politics: U.S. 57 4 or 5   see department for placement PSCI/4
Italian Language & Culture 62 4 or 5 ITAL 213Y-214Y ITAL 321 or above ITAL/4
-- 62 3 Satisfies language requirement see department for placement --
Japanese Language & Culture 64 4 or 5 JAPN 213Y-214Y JAPN 321 or above JAPN/4
-- 64 3 Satisfies language requirement see department for placement --
Latin 60 4 or 5 LATN 201-202 (Satisfies language requirement) see department for placement LATN/2
Music Theory 75 5 MUSC 121Y MUSC 122Y MUSC/4
-- -- 4 MUSC 101 MUSC 121Y MUSC/4
-- -- 3 -- see department for placement --
Physics 1 83 4 or 5 -- PHYS 140 PHYS/2
Physics 2 84 4 or 5 -- PHYS 140 PHYS/2
Physics C-E&M 82 4 or 5  -- see department for placement PHYS/2
Physics C-Mechanics 80 4 or 5 PHYS 140 PHYS 145 PHYS/2
Psychology 85 5 PSYC 100/110 higher than PSYC 100/110 PSYC/2
Spanish Language & Culture 87 4 or 5 SPAN 213Y-214Y above SPAN 321 or above SPAN/4
-- 87 3 Satisfies language requirement SPAN 321Y --
Spanish Literature & Culture 89 4 or 5 SPAN 213Y-214Y Lit course above SPAN 323 SPAN/4
-- 89 3 Satisfies language requirement SPAN 323,324,327 or 328 --
Statistics 90 4 or 5 STAT 106 STAT 206 or 216 STAT/4
Studio Art-Drawing 14 4 or 5  -- see department for placement ARTS/4
Studio Art- 2-D Design 15 4 or 5  -- see department for placement ARTS/4
Studio Art - 3-D Design 16 4 or 5 -- see department for placement ARTS/4
US History 07 4 or 5   200 level History course HIST/4 
World History 93 4 or 5   200 level History course HIST/4 
  • For information regarding Advanced Placement, contact the Registrar's Office or visit the College Board website at collegeboard.org.
  • Kenyon College code number is 1370.