Requirements: Biology

Natural Sciences Division

The Kenyon College faculty voted to change from Kenyon units to semester hours. This change will go into effect for all students who start at the College in the fall of 2024. Both systems will be used throughout the course catalog with the Kenyon units being listed first.


The Biology Curriculum

The biology curriculum structures learning based on the scientific process of discovery: observation, interpretation, experimentation, analysis and the formation of new hypotheses. Through exploration of recent developments in the broad range of biological fields, students examine details in the context of basic principles. Students experience the dynamic nature of biological science by participating in laboratory work and research projects that form the backbone of the program. The curricular design offers many choices to students, allowing non-majors to explore any one field of biology in depth or to examine biology in the context of human issues having sociological, economic and political importance, such as health care, biotechnology and the environment.

Introductory and foundation courses are offered at the 100-level. These consist of BIOL 109Y-110Y (Introduction to Experimental Biology), the year-long introductory lab sequence and BIOL 115 (Energy in Living Systems) and BIOL 116 (Information in Living Systems), Energy and Information in Living Systems.

Upper-level courses are offered at the 200- and 300-level. Courses at the 200-level are designed for sophomores and juniors who have completed at least part of the introductory-level curriculum. Reading assignments include textbooks, primary literature and other advanced sources. Courses at the 300-level are designed for juniors and seniors who have completed the entire introductory-level curriculum and at least one 200-level course. Primary literature and other advanced sources form a substantial portion of the reading, and extensive student-directed work is expected. In addition, senior biology and molecular biology majors must take a 400-level senior seminar, as part of their Senior Capstone in biology.

In addition to the biology major, major programs in biochemistry and in molecular biology are available. These programs combine work in biology and chemistry to prepare students for graduate work or employment entailing research on the molecular basis of biological systems. Information on course requirements for these major programs is detailed in the biochemistry and molecular biology section.

Non-majors can choose innovative topical courses that approach biological issues in a human context (BIOL 105, 106 and 107). These courses are designed for students with minimal backgrounds in biology. The foundation courses — BIOL 115 and 116 — allow more in-depth study. Several courses also serve the interdisciplinary concentration in environmental studies.

For students considering medical, dental, nursing or veterinary postgraduate programs, there is usually a requirement of a minimum of two semesters of biology with the corresponding laboratory work. BIOL 115 and 116 plus the laboratory sequence BIOL 109Y-110Y satisfies the requirement.

Students can involve themselves in the department through the Biology Student Advisory Group, which meets with the chair and faculty members, or as an employee; ranging from laboratory teaching assistants to research assistants. Majors are encouraged to participate in the department through research with faculty members and by their active role in hiring faculty, suggesting curriculum changes, inviting and hosting seminar speakers and planning social events.

Requirements for the Major

  • BIOL 109Y–110Y (Introduction to Experimental Biology), to be completed by end of sophomore year.
  • BIOL 115 (Energy in Living Systems) and BIOL 116 (Information in Living Systems) (or equivalent with AP or IB credit), must be completed within the first four semesters .
    • Advanced courses may be taken after completion of BIOL 115 and 116 so students can begin advanced lecture courses while completing BIOL 109Y–110Y.
  • Six upper-division lecture courses; including at least one 300-level course and one 400-level course. CHEM 256 (Biochemistry) and ENVS 342 (Disease Ecology) can each count as one of the six required upper-division courses.
  • Four upper-division laboratory courses (0.5 unit/4 semester hours of credit in [BIOL 385: Research in Biology] or [BIOL 497: Senior Honors, BIOL 498: Senior Honors] can serve as one 0.25-unit/2 semester hours laboratory course requirement).
  • One year of introductory chemistry lecture work (or equivalent).

In order to fulfill the diversification requirements for upper-level courses, biology majors need to take at least one upper-level lecture course in each of the following three categories:

  • Environmental biology
    • BIOL 228: Ecology
    • BIOL 241: Evolution
    • BIOL 253: Paleobiology
    • BIOL 261: Animal Behavior
    • BIOL 311: Seminar in Restoration Ecology
    • BIOL 328: Global Ecology and Biogeography
    • BIOL 352: Aquatic Systems Biology
    • ENVS 342: Disease Ecology
  • Organismal biology/physiology
    • BIOL 211: Health Service and Biomedical Analysis
    • BIOL 238: Microbiology
    • BIOL 243: Animal Physiology
    • BIOL 245: Plant Physiology
    • BIOL 258D: Neuromuscular Systems
    • BIOL 271: Human Physiology
  • Cellular and molecular biology
    • BIOL 230: Computational Genomics
    • BIOL 238: Microbiology
    • BIOL 255: Genetic Analysis
    • BIOL 263: Molecular Biology
    • BIOL 266: Cell Biology
    • BIOL 315: Cell Signaling
    • BIOL 317: Cancer Biology
    • BIOL 321: Evolutionary Development Biology
    • BIOL 345: Immunology
    • BIOL 351D: Molecular Neuroscience
    • BIOL 375: Virology
    • CHEM 256: Biochemistry

Majors are strongly encouraged to take at least one year of mathematics and physics. Students planning graduate studies in any area of biology should also include organic chemistry. Majors are also encouraged to seek opportunities for independent research with faculty members, through BIOL 385 (Research in Biology), honors research and the Summer Science Scholars Program.

Senior Capstone

The Senior Capstone project is a mini-review that covers a focused area of scientific inquiry. The minireview critically evaluates a current research topic for an audience of other scientists, including those outside the immediate research area. It assesses and synthesizes relevant research, describes its broader significance, points out gaps in understanding, and suggests future work. More information is on the department website.

Advanced Courses 

Many courses and labs are offered in alternating years; majors should plan carefully to suit individual goals. The following list indicates which courses are normally taught on alternating-year schedules. Please note that the schedule can vary from these guidelines; students should consult the department chair or course instructor if particular courses are needed.

Courses that may be offered in alternating years (or less frequently) include:

  • BIOL 230: Computational Genomics
  • BIOL 241: Evolution
  • BIOL 243: Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 244: Experimental Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 245: Plant Physiology
  • BIOL 246: Plant Physiology Lab
  • BIOL 253: Paleobiology
  • BIOL 255: Genetic Analysis
  • BIOL 256: Experimental Genetic Analysis
  • BIOL 258D: Neuromuscular Systems
  • BIOL 259D: Experimental Neuromuscular Systems
  • BIOL 271: Human Physiology
  • BIOL 311: Seminar in Restoration Ecology
  • BIOL 315: Cell Signaling
  • BIOL 317: Cancer Biology
  • BIOL 321: Evolutionary Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 328: Global Ecology and Biogeography
  • BIOL 345: Immunology
  • BIOL 352: Aquatic Systems Biology
  • BIOL 353: Aquatic Systems Lab
  • BIOL 375: Virology


The Honors Program in biology is an exciting opportunity for students to perform long-term research in collaboration with a faculty member of the Department of Biology. Please look at the course descriptions for BIOL 497 and BIOL 498 (Senior Honors).

Requirements for the Minor

The biology minor requires a minimum of 2.75 units/22 semester hours of credit earned in the major curriculum to include the following:

  • BIOL 109Y and 110Y (Introduction to Experimental Biology)
  • BIOL 115 (Energy in Living Systems) and 116 (Information in Living Systems)
  • Two upper-level lectures (1.0 units/8 semester hours) and at least one upper-level lab (0.25 units/2 semester hours). Two semesters of BIOL 385 (Research in Biology) satisfies the upper-level laboratory requirement. CHEM 256 (Biochemistry) counts as an upper level lecture course.

Transfer Credit Policy

Students studying off campus may count one upper-level lecture/discussion course and one upper-level lab course toward the major; the specific courses must be approved by the department chair. Transfer students must consult with the registrar and a program co-director to assess appropriate course equivalency credit.

Cross-listed Courses

The following course is cross-listed in the biology department to satisfy natural-sciences diversification:

  • ENVS 112: Introduction to Environmental Studies

    CHEM 256 (Biochemistry) and ENVS 342 (Disease Ecology) can serve as upper-division lecture courses for the biology major.