Upcoming Deadlines

Friday, March 21

Last day to change course to or from Pass/D/Fail

Friday, March 21

Last day to withdraw (WD) from course with late fee - minimum 1.75 units/14 semester hours.

Monday, April 28     

Recommended WL form request

Friday, May 2

Withdraw Late (WL) one time only

It is your responsibility to check and correct your schedule. Please read the course catalog for policies.

PHSD dates for spring 2025:

  • Second six weeks (sections ending in .40) run March 24 through May 2.  You can register through March 28 without a late fee.

  • Full semester (sections ending in .00) run January 13 through May 2. You can register through January 21 without a late fee.

Drop/Add: Enrollment change request forms are available online or in the Registrar’s Office.

  • You will need your advisor’s signature for ALL schedule changes including MUSC and PHSD.

  • If you plan on taking 2.5-2.75 units/20-22 semester hours, you will need your advisor’s initials on the enrollment change request form, in the appropriate spot.

  • If you plan on taking 2.76 units/22 semester hours or above, you will need to schedule a meeting with Dean Hawks.

Additional Information:

  • Enrollment verifications can’t be completed until after the 10th class day. Requests submitted before January 24 will be deleted. Enrollment verifications can be requested from your personal access pages.

  • Do you know where your classes meet this semester? Check the schedule of courses. This shows the days, times, and meeting locations. Click here for the room abbreviation key.

  • The Registrar’s Office does not know what courses you are attending, so we rely on you. Please check your schedule on your Personal Access Pages.

Office of the Registrar

Phone Number
Chalmers Library
Room 230
103 College Drive
Gambier, Ohio 43022

Fax: 740-427-5615
Office Hours
8:30 AM - noon, 1 - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - noon, 1 - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - noon, 1 - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - noon, 1 - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - noon, 1 - 4:30 PM