We the fraternities, sororities, and societies of Kenyon College, hereby call into being this Council to protect, propagate, and govern Greek Life at Kenyon. We commit to uphold the honor, dignity, and integrity of Greek organizations and to promote camaraderie in our organizations, cooperation between our organizations, and unity on campus. These bylaws shall govern the Greek community at Kenyon College. The values Greek Council will uphold are leadership, ritual, service, friendship and scholarship.
Jump to:
- Article 1: Membership
- Article 2: Executive Board Officers
- Article 3: Advisor
- Article 4: Committees
- Article 5: Meetings
- Article 6: Voting
- Article 7: Finances
- Article 8: Membership Recruitment
- Article 9: New Member Education
- Article 10: Member Organization Expansion Policy
- Article 11: Risk Management Policies
- Article 12: Standards of Excellence
- Article 13: Violation of Policy and Procedure
- Article 14: Amendments
- Article 15: Adoption of Bylaws
Article I. Membership
Section 1: Council Descriptions
- A. President Council
Composed of Fraternity Council President, Sorority Council President, Society Council President, and chapter presidents.
President Council shall meet at a pre-determined time at minimum once a month during an academic semester:
Meeting time would be adjusted on a per semester basis
Always the opportunity to meet more frequently than once a month if members felt necessary.
President Council provides chapter leadership a direct conversation and connection with administration and other key stakeholders across Kenyon.
President council will convene and talk about campus wide Greek programs and initiatives, including but not limited to:
Greek Week
Philanth Fair
Greek Division Housing Requirements
Standards of Excellence
Greek survey evaluations
- B. Fraternity Council
Composed of current fraternities at Kenyon College.
Total size of the fraternity council would be 5 Executive Board members in addition to general chapter delegates from current fraternities.
Meets biweekly during a pre-determined time by Fraternity Council Executive Board leadership.
- C. Sorority Council
Composed of current sororities at Kenyon College.
Total size of the fraternity council would be 5 Executive Board members in addition to general chapter delegates from current sororities.
Meets biweekly during a pre-determined time by Sorority Council Executive Board leadership.
- D. Society Council
The President of the Society Council would have equal responsibility and voting privileges in the President Council as their two counterparts.
If more than one organization, then executive board members would be the same proposed structure as the fraternity/sorority councils:
Officer Positions if more than one Greek society:
President of Society Council
Vice President of Society Operations
Director of Society Recruitment
Director of Society Community Development
Director of Society Alumni Relations
Society would send both recruitment and NME schedules directly to OSE for approval.
Society would send one rep each to the Fraternity and Sorority Council.
If only one organization, individual organization leadership/executive board works directly with Student Engagement and the advisor to Greek Council (Director of Student Engagement) to establish meeting times and agenda items.
Section 2: Chapter Membership Status
- In order to be a regular member in good standing with Greek Council, each organization must:
- Serve a purpose consistent with the values of Greek Council.
- Reach the minimum recognition level of “Compliant” by the Standards of Excellence Program.
- Participate and engage in mandatory events by meeting predetermined attendance standards set by the Greek Council.
- Pay dues (if deemed necessary by council leadership) on time for each semester. The amount owed will be announced by the President of each council (Fraternity, Sorority, Society) at the beginning of each semester during the first general session, and will be due no later than 2 weeks before the end of semester. Payments are collected in the Office of Student Engagement and must be done via cash or check.
- Report its membership accurately to the Office of Student Engagement through KCon.
- Report its individual chapter membership dues to the Office of Student Engagement.
- Probationary member status shall be assigned to any group that has fulfilled all requirements in the New Recognition Procedures.
Section 3: General Delegates
General delegates are responsible for the following:
- Member organizations are required to have a general chapter delegate at each meeting to be considered represented. Delegates shall follow the attendance policy as outlined in Bylaws Article V. Section 5.
- The general delegates of each fraternity, sorority, or society are to be chosen by each chapter according to their own pre-determined guidelines.
- General delegates may not represent more than one fraternity, sorority, or society at a given meeting.
- No general delegate may be a member of any Greek Council Executive Board.
- Attend all General Session meetings.
- Act as a liaison between their member organization and Greek Council.
- Relay General Session minutes from respective their respective chapter council to the member organization.
- Communicate upcoming events and activities of their membership and encourage participation in such activities, when applicable.
- Vote on behalf of their organization membership for legislation, resolutions, and other Greek Council matters.
Article II. Executive Board Officers
The Greek Council Executive Board officers for Fraternity, Sorority, and Society councils are: President, Vice President of Operations, Director of Recruitment, Director of Community Development, and Director of Alumni Relations.
Section 1: Executive Board Expectations
- Serve a full academic year term. (Fall and Spring semesters)
- Attend and contribute to all Executive Board and General Session meetings.
- Actively engage and participate in events and activities sponsored by Greek Council.
- Update/Send agenda items to the Vice President for all meetings.
- Save and maintain complete records on the Greek Council account throughout the term of office.
- Upon early termination of office, officers must submit their materials to the respective elected officer.
- Cannot be an individual chapter President of a member organization during their term. If elected to be a chapter president, an individual must resign their position within Greek Council.
- Each executive officer shall follow the meeting attendance policy as outlined in Bylaws Article V. Section 5.
Section 2: Officer Responsibilities
All duties as outlined below apply to respective elected leaders for the three chapter councils (Fraternity Council, Sorority Council, Society Council)
- A. President
- Serve as the chief executive of the Council and accept responsibility for the execution of all edicts, laws, and resolutions made by the Council;
- Preside as chair at all meetings, regular or special, of the Council and shall be empowered to call said meetings;
- Meet with the departmental advisor of Greek Council on weekly basis to set the agenda for the upcoming meeting;
- Coordinate and facilitate at least one meeting per semester with all member organization presidents;
- Act as a voting member of the Council only in the Executive Board and when necessary to break a tie in the General Session;
- Appoint ad hoc committees when necessary;
- Maintain a complete and up-to-date President’s file, which will include a copy of the current Constitution and Bylaws; the current Council budget; and correspondence and materials compiled throughout the term of office;
- Be responsible for the coordination and completion of all applications and awards;
- Perform all other duties and responsibilities as needed by the Fraternity Council.
- B. Vice President of Operations
Perform the duties of the President at the request of the President, or should the President be unable to fulfill them;
Ensure adherence to Constitutional procedure by the Executive Board and General Session;
Create, disseminate, and maintain accurate records of the Council, including but not limited to the weekly agenda and minutes.
Take a roll call of delegates at each meeting of the Council and maintain accurate records of attendance, including excused and unexcused absences;
Manage the Council finances, including collecting all dues and fines, preparing yearly budgets for the approval of the Council members.
Maintain accurate records of all members and organization officers of member organizations and share with Executive Board and Director of Student Engagement or designated representative.
In conjunction with the Executive Board, maintain and share a calendar of all events sponsored by member organizations.
Regularly check the Council email and respond or forward to the respective Executive Board member.
Prepare and disseminate all Council correspondence, unless instructed otherwise.
Create marketing for Council events and services.
Create press releases for The Kenyon Collegian and local publications when requested.
Perform all other duties and responsibilities as needed by the Fraternity Council.
- C. Director of Recruitment
Responsible for transmitting a positive image of Greek Life at Kenyon;
Oversee all recruitment efforts by all member organizations;
Responsibility includes:
Collecting recruitment schedules from all member organizations by the designated deadlines;
Working with the Director of Student Engagement or designated representative to review and approve recruitment schedules for all member organizations;
Upholding the standards of recruitment and to ensure that the policies and regulations governing recruitment are followed;
Oversee and create marketing for Greek Council recruitment events and information sessions.
Coordinate and execute at least one Greek information session for the purpose of recruitment each semester.
Coordinate and facilitate at least one meeting per semester with all member organization recruitment chairs/coordinators.
Facilitate training opportunities and resources for member organization recruitment chairs/coordinators to increase the population of the Greek community at Kenyon.
Keep accurate records of attendees at recruitment events in order to develop more effective strategies for all Greeks.
Perform all other duties and responsibilities as needed by the Council.
- D. Director of Community Development
Coordinate and execute at least one community development program each semester which focuses on topics such as:
Leadership/membership development, risk reduction/management, service, academics/scholarship, career/professional development, etc.;
Work with the Director of Student Engagement or designated representative to coordinate a training program for all member organization new members which focuses on topics such as:
Hazing, sexual misconduct, academics, leadership, and responsible alcohol management;
Create marketing for Council events and services;
Coordinate and execute at least one non-alcoholic, all chapter social event each semester;
Perform all other duties and responsibilities as needed by the Council.
- E. Director of Alumni Relations
Encourage, promote, and enhance the relationship between active undergraduate Greeks and Greek alumni.
Assist the Director of Student Engagement or designated representative and with targeted outreach activities/initiatives to member organization alumni.
Create and disseminate a newsletter (or website update) at least once per semester updating alumni on current state of Greek Life and member organizations;
Create at least one program over the academic year that reconnects Greek alumni with current Greek undergraduate members;
Meet with the Director of the Career Development Office and the Director of Alumni & Parent Programs to build relations and opportunities for current students to engage with Greek alumni (regarding organizational support, job search, general networking, etc.)
Create resources for graduating Greeks about why and how to stay involved in Greek Life as alumni.
Perform all other duties and responsibilities as needed by the Council.
Section 4: Elections of Officers
Greek Council officers shall be elected annually in the spring semester.
A. Regular Election Procedures
- Elections shall take place during the spring semester to fill Executive Board positions for the following academic year.
- Application timelines for each election cycle will be determined by the outgoing President, and departmental Greek Council advisor.
- Those who are interested in running for a Greek Council position must submit an application.
- Applications for a Greek Council position are due at least two weeks prior to the election. After this date, the application process will be closed and no exceptions will be made.
- Qualifications for election as a Greek Council officer include the following:
- Candidates must be an initiated member of a member organization in good-standing with the Greek Council and the College.
- Candidates must be a full-time student, be in good standing with their own organizations, and have and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of a 2.500.A person serving as President of their member organization may not hold the following positions of any Greek Council President.
- No member of the Executive Board may also serve as their member organization’s delegate.
- The Greek Council departmental advisor will confirm eligibility of all candidates.
- A “qualified applicant” is a person who meets the above stated requirements and is verified by the administrative advisor, prior to the election date.
- Executive Board elections will be done in rank order: President, Vice President, Director of Recruitment, Director of Community Development, Director of Alumni Relations.
- During old business, nominations can be open by a motion and a second.
- If nominations were open, the Greek Council President will ask if there are any further nominations for Greek Council officers from the floor. Once all nominations are voiced, nominations will be motioned to close and seconded.
- Candidates who are nominated from the floor must have confirmation from the Greek Council departmental advisor that they are a “qualified applicant” prior to the election date.
- Candidates who have turned in an election application will be allowed 3 minutes to speak to the delegates and Greek Council Executive Board. Candidates who are nominated from the floor will be allowed 3 minutes to speak to the delegates and the Greek Council Executive Board.
- Question and answer period will follow each candidate’s speech.
- The candidates will then leave the room and a discussion period and vote will take place.
- An affirmative majority vote will be taken from the delegates for each Greek Council position to decide which candidate will fill the position. Voting will be conducted as outlined in Bylaws Article VI.
- Any qualified candidate may choose to run for another position by being nominated from the floor. Candidates who choose to do this will receive 3 minutes to speak for each position in which they accept a nomination
B. Special Election Procedures
- Should an officer vacancy occur outside of the regular election cycle, a special election will be held.
- The special election process will mirror the regular election procedures.
- Special election timelines will be determined by the Greek Council, Executive Board, and departmental advisor.
Section 5: Executive Board Installation
- The newly elected Executive Board shall be installed one week following the conclusion of elections.
- The outgoing President shall first install the incoming President, then the incoming President shall install the incoming Executive Board.
Section 6: Removal from Office
- All appointed or elected officers of Greek Council Executive Board are subject to removal from office.
- Any Executive Board member may recommend a fellow officer may be removed from office by providing a written submission to the departmental advisor.
- Any general delegate members of Greek Council (Chapters) can also recommend the removal of an Executive Board member to the departmental advisor following the same process as outlined above.
- Officers may face removal for one or more of the following reasons:
- Failure to perform the functions of their office.
- Failure to meet officer eligibility requirements.
- Failure to execute regularly assigned responsibilities and meet the obligations of the Greek Council.
- Failure to maintain their role in Greek Council due to outside circumstances (failure to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, leave of absence etc.)
- The Greek Council departmental advisor shall facilitate the removal from office process.
- The removal process is as follows:
- Either an executive board member or general delegate submits a written submission outlining the rationale behind the proposed removal of an elected member of Greek Council.
- Upon receipt, the departmental advisor will then review the submission and follow up with the individual being recommended for removal.
- After meeting with individual, the departmental advisor will then determine whether or not a secret ballot will need to be distributed to all voting chapters in Greek Council. This ballot can be sent either electronically, or can be distributed during a council meeting.
- In order to remove an elected Executive Board member from Greek Council, a majority vote of all member organizations in good standing is required.
Article III: Advisor
The departmental advisor shall be assigned by the Office of Student Engagement. Their powers and duties shall be:
- Serve as a non-voting executive officer.
- Attend all meetings of the Executive Board and General Session for each level of Greek Council.
- Support the work of the Greek Council and assist in the education of officer duties and responsibilities.
- Maintain accurate records of Greek Council business.
- Verify officer eligibility during candidacy as well as to maintain position.
- Meet with Greek Council Executive Board officers and organization leadership on a regularly scheduled basis each semester.
Article IV: Committees
Section 1: Standing Committees
The standing committees of Greek Council shall be Recruitment Review Committee and New Member Education Review Committee.
A. Recruitment Review Committee
- Includes the Director of Recruitment, departmental advisor and Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
- The committee will meet at least once to review all recruitment events for any Greek Council approved recruitment cycles, and ensure necessary reservations are made.
B. New Member Education Review Committee
- Includes the Director of Community Development, departmental advisor and Director of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
- The committee will meet at least once to review and plan all Greek Week events and ensure necessary reservations are made.
Section 2: Formation of Committees
- Formation of committees may be called by the Greek Council executive officers, the departmental advisor, or any general delegate.
- The designated Executive Officer will head the committee that is formed and act as liaison between committee members, the Executive Board, and departmental advisor.
- Committees shall carry out the work of the Council’s major initiatives.
- General Expectations of Committees:
- The committee will meet at least once a week.
- Represent the viewpoints of the Greek community as related to the committee purpose.
- Maintain consistent communication with the designated Executive Officer.
- The committee will disband after the directive has been met.
- Special Committees should only be formed sparingly.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1: Executive Board Meetings
- The Executive Board will meet a minimum of eight times each semester.
- The Greek Council President will preside over Executive Board meetings.
- Order of Business:
- Roll Call
- Approvals of Minutes from last meeting
- Executive Board Member Reports (in order)
- Director of Alumni Relations
- Director of Community Development
- Director of Recruitment
- Vice President of Operations
- President
- Advisor Report
- Old Business
- New Business/Presentations
- Announcements/Reminders
- Meeting Adjourned
Section 2: General Session Meetings
- A. The general session will meet a minimum of eight times each semester.
- Order of Business:
- Roll Call
- Approvals of Minutes from last meeting
- Executive Board Member Reports (in order)
- Director of Alumni Relations
- Director of Community Development
- Director of Recruitment
- Vice President of Operations
- President
- Advisor Report
- Old Business
- New Business/Presentations
- Announcements/Reminders
- Meeting Adjourned
- Organization Reports (done alphabetically)
- Old Business
- New Business/Presentations
- Announcement and Reminders
- Meeting Adjourned
Section 3: Special Meetings
Special Meetings may be called in the event of a concern or emergency related to the Greek community.
- Special meetings may be called by the Greek Council President, the departmental advisor, a majority vote of the Executive Board, and/or a majority of generaldelegates.
- Special meetings must be requested at least 24 hours in advance to the Greek Council President and departmental advisor.
- Order of Business shall be conducted the same as a General Session Meeting, as outlined in Bylaws Article V. Section 2.
- No legislative or election votes may occur at a Special Meeting.
Section 4: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order shall guide this Council in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws. The Council shall loosely following Robert's Rules of Order unless a ⅔ majority vote of present, voting members determines that Robert's Rules of Order should be strictly observed.
Section 5: Meeting Attendance
Meeting attendance shall be mandatory and recorded by the Vice President of Operations.
A. Executive Board Meetings
- All meetings are mandatory for executive board officers.
- Officers are permitted a total of (2) excused absences per semester.
- Excused absences are permitted in the case of medical emergencies or official College academic exercises.
- The Vice President of operations, in consultation with the President, will make the decision as to whether an absence is excused or unexcused. The Executive Board may be utilized in this decision making process if necessary.
- Additional types and number of absences may be permitted by the Executive Board in the case of special circumstances.
- If a member of the Executive Board misses more than the excused (2) absences permitted, The Greek Council President and departmental advisor have the ability to issue a formal written notice about the loss of voting privileges for the individual members' lack of attendance, and will outline specific guidelines towards getting their vote reinstated. In the case of the President having poor attendance, the Vice Presidentof Operations shall facilitate with the advisor.
- In the event that an officer is unable to attend an Executive Board meeting, they must send an email to the President and Vice President at least 24 hours in advance, including their report if necessary.
B. General Session Meetings
- All meetings are mandatory for officers and delegates.
- General Session Members are permitted a total of (2) excused absences per semester.
- Delegates that are unable to attend a General Session meeting shall send an initiated member of their organization, who is currently enrolled at the College as a replacement delegate.
- The replacement delegate may vote on behalf of their organization.
- In the event that an organization is unable to send any delegate to the meeting of General Session, the delegate must email the Vice President prior to the respective meeting.
- Should a delegate fail to notify the Vice President it will be considered unexcused, despite the reason for the absence.
- A member organization failing to have representation at a meeting will lose voting privileges for the next General Session Meeting.
- A member organization failing to have representation at more than (3) meetings during the course of the semester will lose its voting privileges until the member organization has representation at three consecutive meetings. The Executive Board may also recommend that they be put on temporary inactive status with the Office of Student Engagement and Student Council Student Life Committee.
Article VI: Voting
The sole power to pass legislature and appropriate resolutions to regulate the action of member organizations lies within the General Session of each respective council (Fraternity, Sorority, Society), in accordance with the voting procedures.
For all Greek chapter voting matters (new chapter voting, division housing changes, Greek Week votes etc.) the vote lies within the President Council in accordance with the voting procedures.
Section 1: Voting Eligibility
Each member organization in good standing, according to Bylaws Article I. Section 1, with Greek Council will have one vote.
Section 2: Voting Procedures
- A member of the Executive Board or a member organization delegate may introduce a resolution, bylaw, or constitutional amendment during New Business at a General Session meeting.
- Following the introduction of legislation, general delegates shall have time to ask questions about the proposal, and then shall report the proposal to their organization.
- The General Session shall discuss the proposed legislation no earlier than one week following its introduction.
- In the event that the legislation is amended during the discussion period, it shall be treated as a new proposal and must be reintroduced.
- In order to call for a vote, a motion must be made and seconded by a member organization delegate in good standing with Greek Council, during Old Business at a General Session Meeting.
- All election and legislative votes will be done by secret ballot.
- Votes will be counted by the departmental advisor and President, or a designee in the event that the President has proposed legislation or is running for office.
- Executive Board members may not vote; except in the event of a tie, in which case the Greek Council President shall vote on behalf of the Executive Board.
Section 3: Voting Thresholds
A. Legislative:
- In order to pass a bylaw, constitutional amendment, or budget, an affirmative majority vote of member organizations in good-standing with Greek Council is required to pass.
B. Elections
- In order to be elected, an affirmative majority vote of member organizations is required.
- If only one person is nominated for a particular position, General Session must still submit an official secret ballot.
C. Other
- Any other matters that might need a vote from General Session need an affirmative majority vote of present member organizations in good-standing with Greek Council is required.
Article VII: Finances
The General Session is charged with voting on Greek Council’s budget at the end of each academic year, for the following academic year. All member organizations are required to pay yearly dues to the Greek Council as a term of membership. The cost of dues for the member organizations will be determined based on a budget set forth by Greek Council each academic year. Greek Council will manage its own finances in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the Office of Student Engagement and Student Council Business Finance Committee.
Section 1: Budget Proposal
- The Vice President of Operations will create a budget proposal in collaboration with the Executive Board.
- The Vice President will present the annual budget to the General Session before the end of the spring semester each academic year.
- The proposed budget must be voted on to be approved.
- Approved dues should be paid in full by member organizations before the end of each academic semester, with a communicated deadlines set by the Executive Board.
Section 2: Voting Procedures
Voting to approve a budget proposal will be conducted as outlined in Bylaws Article VI.
Section 3: Failure to Pay Dues
If member organizations fail to pay dues by the deadline, then the following policy will go into effect.
- Member organization loss of vote at General Session meetings until dues are paid in full.
- If dues are late by three or more weeks, the Executive Board may assess a fee to be determined by the Executive Board per week that dues are late. Additionally the Executive Board may recommend to the Student Life Committee that the organization be placed on a probationary status for the current semester until dues are paid in full.
Article VIII: Membership Recruitment
Section 1: Eligibility
- Students interested in joining an organization must have earned a college cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher.
- Students may not join an organization if they are on conditional enrollment.
- First year students are subject to a deferred recruitment; a prospective new member must have completed at least one semester of college; no first year students may participate in any approved informal fall semester recruitment.
- Upperclass students may participate in any approved formal or informal recruitment cycles.
Section 2: General Recruitment Policies and Procedures
- All recruitment activities must comply with federal, state, and local laws, as well as Greek Council and Kenyon College policy.
- No organization or initiated member shall engage in any form of active membership recruitment prior to the approval of their recruitment schedules.
- A membership recruitment function is defined as any event including primary activities for first-year students or other potential members.
- Member organizations must specify their dues to potential new members, new members, and active members.
- Alcohol is prohibited at all recruitment events and all activities during the recruitment period where current and potential new members may be interacting together. Additionally, each organization, its individual members, and all unaffiliated students participating in recruitment, are responsible for abiding by the College’s policies and Ohio State Law in regards to alcohol. Disciplinary action is subject to the decision of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, along with the Office of Student Engagement, and Greek Council if this policy is violated.
- In the spring semester, no events with alcohol at either reservable spaces on campus or private chapter owned properties off campus, may be held by member organizations until the conclusion of the stated recruitment period.
Section 2: Recruitment Dates and Deadlines
- Greek Council will release a schedule of dates and deadlines by the first meeting in April each spring semester for the following academic year.
- A schedule of recruitment activities must be submitted to the Greek Council Director of Recruitment and the departmental advisor by the deadlines specified.
- All recruitment activities must be approved by the Recruitment Review Committee.
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances, member organizations may email the Director of Recruitment and departmental advisor to change the date/time of a recruitment event.
Section 3: Informal Recruitment
Informal recruitment is defined as any recruitment activities outside of the partially structured spring recruitment process.
- In order to initiate an Informal Recruitment cycle, member organizations must notify both the Greek Council and the administrative advisor within three (3) weeks of the proposed informal recruitment cycle.
- The requesting member organization will be notified of when the formal request is received by the Greek Council and the administrative advisor.
- Upon review, the Greek Council Executive Board will vote to decide whether or not to allow for the informal recruitment period to be approved. Voting will be conducted as outlined in Bylaws Article VI.
- If the informal recruitment process is approved by the Greek Council Executive Board,member organizations will be notified with next steps outlined below.
- All organizations participating in informal recruitment must submit a list of events to the Greek Advisor and Director of Recruitment by the stated deadlines.
- Informal recruitment can be no longer than two weeks (2) in total.
- Organizations interested in extending a bid of membership must first verify the eligibility requirements of the potential new member with the administrative advisor.
- Organizations may distribute bids according to Bylaws Article VIII. Section 5.
- All new members must accept their bid as outlined in Bylaws Article VIII. Section 6.
Section 4: Spring Partially Structured Recruitment
- The partially structured recruitment registration process will open at least two weeks prior to the end of the fall semester.
- The partially structured recruitment registration process will close on the night of the first official recruitment event planned by the Greek Council in the beginning of the spring semester.
- Once registration closes the administrative advisor will verify all eligibility requirements of potential new members.
- All potential new members must attend the Greek Life Information Session to participate in recruitment.
- All applicable federal, state, and local laws will be enforced during recruitment.
- All activities for recruitment must not begin before 4:00pm and end by 10:00pm on Monday through Thursday, and can only take place between the hours of 8:00am and 12:00am on Friday through Sunday during the spring recruitment cycle.
- All activities for recruitment must be limited to the immediate campus and recognized Greek organization locations, unless otherwise permitted. Recruitment events outside of Kenyon need additional approval from the Office of Student Engagement.
- Alcohol is prohibited at any recruitment event. If this bylaw is violated disciplinary discretion is subject to the decision of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and the Office of Student Engagement
- Once recruitment events have concluded, the potential new members will select the organizations that they are most interested in by filling out a chapter interest form through a process determined by the Greek Council and the administrative advisor. This information will then be shared with the individual member organizations by The Office of Student Engagement.
- Member organizations will review the list of interested potential new members and select a list of potential new members to whom they would like to extend a bid of membership by the deadline specified by The Office of Student Engagement.
- Organizations may distribute bids according to Bylaws Article VIII. Section 5.
- All new members must accept their bids as outlined in Bylaws Article VIII. Section 6.
- All chapter members of Greek Council are only permitted to host one approved recruitment activity per day during both formal and informal recruitment.
Section 5: Bid Distribution
Greek organizations are responsible for distribution of bids in accordance with Kenyon College and Greek Council policy and procedures, and local/state/federal laws and ordinances.
- The bid distribution process will take place upon the completion of the Spring Partially Structured Recruitment Cycle.
- Using the chapter interest form sent out to potential new members at the conclusion of the Spring Partially Structured Recruitment Cycle, the Office of Student Engagement will send the chapter interest forms to each member organization.
- Upon receipt of the interest form, member organizations will convene and make bid decisions. Organizations will then inform The Office of Student Engagement what individuals they are interested in extending a bid to by completing the Extended Bid Form by the deadline set by the Office of Student Engagement.
- Upon review of the Extended Bid Form, The Office of Student Engagement will then notify the member organizations if the potential new members are eligible according to Bylaws Article VIII. Section 1.
- After receiving confirmation of eligibility, member organizations are then permitted to distribute bids to potential new members. Failure to wait until potential new members are verified by the Office of Student Engagement by member organizations can result in disciplinary discretion subject to the decision of the Office of Student Engagement for failing to adhere to campus policies and procedures.
- After potential new members have been extended bids by member organizations, The Office of Student Engagement will then notify potential new members of the process to formally accept their membership.
Section 6: Bids of Membership
- Each potential new member has the option to accept or deny a bid.
- If a potential new member accepts a bid to a fraternity, sorority, or society then decides later not to join that organization, they must wait until the following fall semester to join another organization.
- If a potential new member accepts a bid extended, they must follow the new member procedures outlined in Bylaws Article IX. Section 1.
Article IX: New Member Education
Section 1: New Member
- A new member is defined as an individual who has accepted a bid to a recognized Greek organization at Kenyon College.
- An individual may not be a new member of more than one fraternity or sorority.
- An individual may become new members of a society in addition to a fraternity or sorority.
- New members are asked to complete and sign a new membership verification form to confirm invitation of membership, including a FERPA release to share protected information to their member organization.
- A new member will not be recognized by the College until the membership form is completed at the Office of Student Engagement, and therefore new members will not be permitted to begin their new member education process until the membership form is submitted.
- New member education processes by member organizations that fail to adhere to these bylaws will be subject to the disciplinary discretion of the Office of Student Engagement.
Section 2: New Member Education Dates and Deadlines
- Greek Council will release a schedule of dates and deadlines for spring semester new member education schedules to be submitted before the end of the fall semester.
- A schedule of new member education programs and activities must be submitted by each Greek organization to the Greek Council Director of Community Development and the departmental advisor by the deadlines specified.
- A schedule of new member education activities must be approved by the New Member Education Review Committee.
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances, member organizations may email the Director of Community Development and departmental advisor to change the date/time of a new member education event. Failure to notify Greek Council and the advisor will be subject to the disciplinary discretion of the Office of Student Engagement.
Section 3: New Member Education Programs
- All applicable federal, state, and local laws will be enforced.
- All activities for new member education must end by midnight, Sunday through Thursday, and 2:00am on Friday and Saturday. New member education activities cannot begin earlier than 6:00am on Sunday through Friday, and 8:00am on Saturday and Sunday.
- All activities for new member education must be limited to the immediate campus and recognized Greek organization locations, unless otherwise permitted with the express written consent of the Office of Student Engagement.
- Alcohol is prohibited at any new member event. If this bylaw is violated disciplinary discretion is subject to the decision of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities, and the Office of Student Engagement.
Article X: Member Organization Expansion Policy
Section 1: On-going Recognition
In order to be an organization in good standing with Greek Council, all organizations must meet the expectations of General Session membership, in accordance with Article III. Section 1.
Section 2: New Organization Affiliation and Recognition
- Any prospective student organization requesting affiliation with Greek Council must first meet with the Office of Student Engagement to review the Student Organization Handbook Procedures, in particular the Greek Organization Requirements.
- Upon working with the Office of Student Engagement and completing necessary items for becoming a Greek organization, the student organization may formally petition affiliation with Greek Council by attending a meeting of the General Session.
- The Greek Council general session will review the petition and will vote to determine if the aspiring organization should receive provisional approval to move to the President Council for final voting approval. If the organization receives an affirmative vote by the President Council, the petition is heard by the Student Life Committee of Student Council where the typical process for new student organization recognition is followed.
- The voting outcome will then be reported to the Student Council Student Life Committee.
Section 3: Provisional Period of Membership
All new Greek organizations have a provisional year with requirements outlined by the Greek Council.
- The provisional year for Greek organizations also has the requirement to complete the Standards of Excellence program.
- The new organization must meet with the Office of Student Engagement at least once each semester (2 total) during their provisional membership to ensure progress and compliance.
- Voting privaleges in the Greek Council becomes automatic when the Greek organization receives approval for provisional recognition status.
- At the end of the provisional year, if the organization has met the requirements, they may petition the Greek Council for full membership. This would involve another vote of the general membership.
- After an affirmative vote full membership, the organization would receive full recognition from Greek Council.
- If the organization has not met the requirements at the end of one year, they may petition the Greek Council for a one-year extension to complete the requirements. If a provisional chapter fails to obtain full recognition after two provisional years (four consecutive semesters), the chapter shall cease operations and must begin the new chapter or reactivation process from the beginning.
Article XI: Risk Management Policies
Greek Council supports the Kenyon College policies, Ohio State Law, and the policies of its member organizations in regards to Risk Management.
A part of Kenyon College’s desire to provide a safe and healthy environment consists of preventing hazing in all organizations, clubs, and teams. Every member of the Kenyon Community, whether a member of the student body, staff, faculty or alumni, plays a vital role in the effort to prevent hazing.
The College prohibits hazing on the part of any individual, organization, group, or team whether students are on or off Kenyon premises. Additionally, the hazing of members or prospective members of any student organization, group, sports team or activity does not excuse hazing in any form.
Behaviors that emphasize a power imbalance or are not consistent with personal growth and academic achievement. Examples include but are not limited to: Personal servitude, tests of physical endurance,kidnapping, transporting or Stranding anyone, private or public skits, exposure to the elements without appropriate protection, sleep deprivation and creation of excessive fatigue, forced consumption of a food, liquid, alcohol, drug or other substance, and the required wearing of any public apparel.
Greek Council encourages anyone to report possible acts violating these anti-hazing policies through the Hazing Report of Concern. This form is anonymous and all reports will be investigated promptly.
Article XII: Standards of Excellence
The full Standards of Excellence document may be found here.
Section 1: Purpose
The Standards of Excellence exist to provide a framework for Kenyon Greek Organizations to be evaluated and held accountable. The goal of Standards of Excellence is to reward excellence, recognize compliance, and help improve underachievement. The Office of Student Engagement, in collaboration with Greek Council, will review and suggest Standards of Excellence revisions to the Greek Council General Session every year.
Section 2: Standards of Excellence Review Committee
The Standards of Excellence Review Committee will be comprised of the following individuals: Greek Council President, Greek Council Vice President, and administrative advisor.
Section 3: Scoring
The Standards of Excellence Review Committee will provide an overall score and feedback for each member organization according to the current Standards of Excellence scoring guidlelines.
Section 4: Amendments
- The amendment procedure will be as outlined in the Standards of Excellence supplemental document.
- Standards of Excellence review procedures will be outlined as an appendix to the Standards of Excellence document.
Article XIII: Violations of Policy and Procedure
Greek Council shall have jurisdiction over cases involving alleged member organization violations of the Greek Council policies, including but not limited to the Greek Council Constitution and Bylaws, deadlines, and mandatory events.
Section 1: Filing of Violation
Any individual or group may file a complaint against a member organization, specifically in writing using the Greek Council Violation Concern Form. The departmental advisor will then promptly review the alleged violation to determine if the complaint has merit.
Section 2: Notification of Violation
Once the administrative advisor has determined that the filed complaint has merit, the member organization is provided a written notification of the violation. Included in that notification is a request for a follow-up meeting with the member organization.
Section 3: Possible Sanctions for Violations
Sanctions that may be imposed by the Greek Council President and administrative advisor include, but are not limited to:
A. Non-status sanctions
- Loss of voting privileges
- Fines in the maximum amount of $100 per violation
- Loss of social event and/or campus event privileges
- Loss of eligibility for Greek Awards/recognition
- Temporary suspension of new member activities
- Educational program requirement for all chapter members
- Required meetings with campus offices/departments
- Letter of Censure
- Status Sanctions
- Greek Council Probation: removal from good-standing status, loss of voting privileges, and any additional sanctions listed in non-status sanctions
- Organization Probation: Formal recommendation to the Student Council Student Life committee for a temporary inactive organization period.
- Loss of Greek Council Recognition: Formal recommendation to the Office of Student Engagement and Student Council to revoke recognition of a member organization of Greek Council.
- Referral to the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities for conduct sanctions in consultation with the Office of Student Engagement.
Section 4: Duration of Sanctions
Any sanction attached to a violation will specify the duration and deadlines of any sanctions imposed. After such specified time, if the member organization has fulfilled the requirements of the sanctions imposed, the member organization shall return to good-standing. In the event that the member organization does not fulfill all of the requirements of the sanctions imposed, the Greek Council Executive Board and administrative advisor shall convene to determine future course of action.
Section 5: Conflict of Interest
In the event that the Greek Council Executive Board member’s own member organization is involved in the alleged violation, the administrative advisor will appoint another officer to oversee the violation.
Article XIV: Amendments
- Any executive board member or member organization may propose an amendment to the Bylaws.
- All amendments for consideration shall be submitted in writing to the Greek Council Executive Board at least a week prior to the proposal at a General Session meeting.
- The amendment for consideration will then be submitted in writing to each delegate at the following General Session meeting, and proposed in New Business.
- Delegates shall report the amendment to their respective member organizations for opinion.
- Voting will be conducted at General Session following the procedures as outlined in the Greek Council Bylaws.
- Following an affirmative majority vote of General Session the amendment must be submitted to Kenyon College Student Council for appropriate approval procedures.
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Article XV: Adoption of Bylaws
These Bylaws shall become effective and shall supersede any previous Bylaws of the Greek Council when ratified by an affirmative majority vote of the member organizations and when approved by Kenyon College Student Council.