Room Entry, Search and Seizure

Kenyon College believes that each student has the right to privacy within their room; however, if the need for access arises, College officials will provide adequate notice, and students are expected to be responsive to and cooperative with College officials. College officials will normally not enter a private space without prior notice, except in the following circumstances:

  • To address emergency situations when imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property is suspected.
  • There is reasonable suspicion that state, federal, or local laws are being violated.
  • There is reasonable suspicion that the Student Code of Conduct is being violated (hazing, etc.).
  • To eliminate disruptive noise (e.g. alarm clocks) if the resident(s) of a space are not addressing the issue.
  • To assess, clean and show spaces in partially filled residential spaces.
  • To complete break closings and monthly health and safety inspections, which are conducted by Residential Life staff members.
  • To fulfill maintenance requests, to address maintenance concerns and/or provide room improvements. Staff members and maintenance contractors will not disturb the personal belongings of assigned residents without those residents’ consent, except to address maintenance or safety conditions that require immediate attention.