Procedures for Authorized Room Entry

College officials should normally observe the following procedures whenever it is necessary to enter an assigned residential space without the permission of the resident. 

  • Receive permission from the Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee.
  • Two staff members will normally be present when entering assigned residential spaces.
  • Searches will not be conducted in personal closed storage areas (e.g. desk or dresser drawers and room closets) without the prior permission of assigned residents or without the express written permission of the vice president of student affairs or designee, whose documentation will indicate why a search is being conducted and what items are specifically being sought. Any items obtained under conditions that violate these procedures will be inadmissible in student conduct hearings. An exception can be made in the case of a violation of health and safety standards or extreme emergency situations.
  • Items left out in plain view that appear to establish a criminal act and/or a violation of College policy will be confiscated and documented. A referral will be made to the appropriate College officials or an appropriate law enforcement agency.
  • When staff members have removed items from an assigned residential space in the absence of its residents, they will document the items that were removed. Candles and incense will be discarded.
  • College staff members will not admit third parties, other than authorized contractors, into a student room without a resident’s permission.
  • The College will cooperate with law enforcement officials who, having obtained legally-issued warrants, seek entry to residents’ assigned residential spaces for the purpose of executing such warrants.
  • In addition to the circumstances listed above, the Office of Residential Life will conduct room checks at the beginning of Thanksgiving break and spring break, health and safety inspections during winter break, and closing inspections at the end of the academic year. Residents will receive at least 24-hour notification of the checks and inspections.