Upperclass Housing Options

Upperclass students at Kenyon have the opportunity to live in traditional residence halls, apartments and houses, as well as locations distinguished by shared interests or campus organizations.

Program Housing

The Crozier Center for Women, established in 1985, is named for Doris Crozier, the first and only dean of Kenyon's Coordinate College for Women (1969-72). It was designed to be used by all Kenyon women — students and members of the administration, faculty, staff and community. Housing is available to students through an application process in the spring. Located at 105 East Wiggin Street.

Hillel House (a North Campus Apartment) serves Jewish students by providing religious, cultural and social opportunities to explore, enhance and celebrate their Jewish faith.

The Snowden Multicultural Center serves as a resource and facility for celebrations, discussions, films, performances, lectures and special meals. The center also contains a library with a diverse collection of books, videos and other materials. Housing is available to students through an application process in the spring. Located at 100 E. Brooklyn Street.

Thomas House serves Muslim students by providing religious, cultural and social opportunities to explore, enhance and celebrate their Muslim faith.

Unity House offers a supportive, educational, social and cultural environment in order to enhance awareness and acceptance about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and ally concerns throughout the Kenyon community.

Division Housing

Division housing is granted to long-standing student organizations that are recognized for their commitment to the campus community. Division housing is open to organizations that have been in theme housing (see below) for at least five years. New organizations interested in division housing should first apply for theme housing.

Current division housing includes: Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Sigma Tau, Archon, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau Delta, Eco, Epsilon Delta Mu, Men of Color, Outdoors Club, Sisterhood, Theta Delta Phi, Zeta Alpha Pi, Table Top. Organizations that are in theme housing and interested in converting to division housing can complete the division housing application.

Theme Housing

Theme housing at Kenyon provides a unique living experience that enables a group of students to live together and explore a common interest or theme to positively impact the Kenyon community. This group of students is self-directed and self-governed through the use of goal-setting and a house contract. Theme houses include apartments, suites, houses, or blocks of residence hall rooms that can house four to eight students.

Current theme housing includes: Kenyon Athletes for Equality (KAE), SERF Ultimate Frisbee Club, Blu-Ray Ultimate Frisbee, Kenyon Asian Identities (KAI). 

Substance-Free Housing 

Substance-free areas offer an additional measure of support for students who choose not to drink or use drugs. Substances include alcohol, cigarettes, and other smoking materials as well as all illicit drugs. All exclusively first year halls are designated as substance-free.

Gender-Inclusive Housing 

Gender inclusive housing allows students to live with any student(s) regardless of gender identity or expression. With the exception of some program, theme, and division housing spaces, all campus housing is gender inclusive. In spring 2021, the Office of Residential Life, in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion expanded gender inclusive restroom options across all residential spaces. Gender-inclusive housing and restrooms have since been expanded across campus starting in fall 2024.