Mail Services

Kenyon College Mail Services is located in the Campus Mail Center on the lower level of Gund Commons. Mail Services receives all incoming USPS mail to the college from the Gambier Post Office and sorts it by department for daily pick up by each office. However, each office will receive a weekly delivery of all sorted government and inter-campus mail from the Mail Services staff, who will at the same time pick up all office outgoing mail for the week. Outgoing government mail leaves Gambier each Monday and Thursday morning, unless taken directly to the Gambier Post Office by office personnel for paid postage at the window, where it can be processed the same day.

Mail Services is never permitted to process personal mail. Inter-campus mail is to be restricted to any college related paper item or document that will fit in an inter-campus envelope. Items that are wood, metal, or plastic do not qualify as mail, nor do large boxes of paper or files, unless it relates to a bulk mailing order. Mail Services will not be responsible for returning books to the library.

For successful inter-campus mail deliveries please use FULL NAMES and LOCATIONS.

Should your office be closed for any reason, all mail will be held by Mail Services for your pick up or next weekly delivery. Mail Services will not be responsible for unlocking and securing building doors when closed.

Mail Services is open Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Crystal Hale manages Mail Services and can be contacted at or 740-427-5685.