In addition to overseeing the top-level pages of the site, members of the Office of Communications staff team train offices and departments to maintain webpages using Kenyon's web content management system (CMS). Our services include:
- Individual training sessions
- Group workshops
- Trained student worker assistance for academic departments
To request access to the CMS or to arrange an individual training session, please contact Emily Lindo. If the page maintainer for an existing section of the website has changed, please contact Patty Burns.
Online Guidance
In addition to support provided in group and individual training sessions, guidance for the Kenyon CMS (BigTree), calendar and directory is available online.
BigTree Guide Calendar Guide Directory Guide
Moodle and Personal Faculty Pages
Faculty who wish to maintain a teaching website should contact the Center for Innovative Pedagogy for information about Moodle, Kenyon's course management system. If a faculty member requires additional web space outside of Moodle and the main Kenyon CMS, they should consult with the department chair for that department's protocol.
Patty Burns

Emily Lindo