The aim of this guide is to promote consistency in Kenyon publications and other written materials, whether they are intended for external audiences or the campus community. Produced by the Office of Communications, the guide covers frequently used terms; usage rules that often pose problems; some general usage guidelines; and a good many rules, terms and names unique to the College.

Our Sources

For most publications and other written material, we follow the Associated Press Stylebook, preferred by many media outlets. For questions of spelling, we use the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.

In some cases, we have created "Kenyon rules" that depart from the sources listed above. We will modify this guide as language and common usage change, and as unforeseen questions arise. We welcome questions about usage and grammar, as well as suggestions for new listings and for making this guide more helpful.

View a quick guide to a few common questions or select a letter to jump to a section below.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | W |


academic degrees
Do not precede a name with a courtesy title. Use an apostrophe in "bachelor's degree, master's degree," etc., but not in "Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts." Avoid abbreviations, unless the need to identify many individuals by degree on first reference would become unwieldy. When using an abbreviation after a name, set it off with commas. If practical, include the discipline in which the degree was earned. Lowercase the discipline unless it is a proper noun (such as the name of a language).

RIGHT: Smith lectured on Plato.
WRONG: Dr. Smith lectured on Plato.

RIGHT: Sam Smith has a doctorate in sociology from the Ohio State University.
WRONG: Sam Smith has a Ph.D. in sociology from the Ohio State University.

• Example: The legendary writer E.L. Doctorow earned a bachelor’s in philosophy from Kenyon College.
• Example: The legendary writer E.L. Doctorow earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Kenyon College.
• Example: The legendary writer E.L. Doctorow earned a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from Kenyon College.

academic departments, divisions and programs (see also administrative departments and offices)
Capitalize when using the official names of departments, concentrations and programs. The official names of departments begin with "Department of ... ," as in "Department of Biology." The official names of interdisciplinary programs (whether majors or concentrations) begin with the name of the discipline. Examples: Asian Studies Concentration, Neuroscience Program.

In second reference or informal uses, we often say "biology department" instead of "Department of Biology." It is acceptable to lowercase here. Do not capitalize "the department."

• Example: For more information, see the chair of the Department of Biology.
• Example: The biology department is located in Higley Hall. For more information, visit the department’s website.

When listing multiple departments, capitalize if "departments" precedes the discipline, but not if it follows.

• Example: The Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Biology are hosting a reception for summer researchers.
• Example: The chemistry and biology departments share some administrative staff.

Lowercase the names of disciplines.

RIGHT: I came to Kenyon intending to major in art history, but I became fascinated by political science as well. Ultimately, I combined these interests by majoring in American studies.
WRONG: I took two courses in Physics and one in Sociology.

Capitalize academic divisions: the Fine Arts Division, the Humanities Division, the Natural Sciences Division and the Social Sciences Division. Lowercase "the division" as well in terms like “the natural sciences.”

• Example: The Humanities Division had a retreat during the summer. The fine-arts faculty will hold their retreat in the fall.

Similar rules apply to the names of administrative departments and offices.

In limited cases, such as the course catalog, it is acceptable to abbreviate departments with their four-letter codes (e.g., ANTH, HIST, PHYS). In general, spell out.

View a complete list of academic departments and programs.

Acland Street, Acland Street Apartments
The correct spelling is Acland, not Ackland.

Per AP style, A.D. is acceptable in all references for anno Domini. The abbreviation A.D. should go before the figure for the year: A.D. 2016. If A.D. is not specified with a year, the year is presumed to be A.D.

Always use figures for an address number. Spell out "first" through "ninth" when used as street names, and use figures for "10th" and above.

Spell out alley, road, drive, terrace, etc., in an address. Exceptions to this rule are avenue, boulevard and street — they may be abbreviated with a numbered address, but should be spelled out when part of a formal street name without a number. (A good way to remember these exceptions: Work on your "ABS.")

Use periods in the abbreviation "P.O." for P.O. Box numbers.

In a numbered address, abbreviate compass points used to indicate directional ends of a street or quadrants of a city, but do not abbreviate in a non-numbered address.

• Examples: 221 N. Acland St., North Acland Street
• Example: 101 College-Park Drive
• Examples: 1500 L St. NW, L Street Northwest
• Examples: 100 E. 34th Blvd., East 34th Boulevard
• Examples: 15 N. Third Ave., North Third Avenue

administrative departments and offices (see also academic departments, divisions and programs)
Capitalize when using the official titles of departments and offices.

• Examples: Office of Admissions, Office of the Provost, Office of the Registrar.

On second reference, do not capitalize such terms as “the department,” “the office,” “the center” and so forth. However, capitalization on second reference for Kenyon’s three affiliated organizations (The Gund, The Kenyon Review and the Philander Chase Conservancy) is acceptable.

• Examples: The Office of Communications, the office; The Philander Chase Conservancy, the Conservancy; The Kenyon Review, the Review 

In second reference or informal uses, it is acceptable to lowercase terms like admissions office, provost’s office and registrar’s office.

When listing multiple offices, capitalize if "offices" falls before the description of the office, but not if it follows.

• Example: The Offices of Admissions and Advancement met for a special celebration of new Kenyon parents.
• Example: Representatives from the accounting and financial aid offices hold regular meetings.

Terms like "the provost," "the registrar" and "the dean of admissions and financial aid" should be lowercased, unless they precede the name of the person. See titles: people.

Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program
Capitalize the term when it refers to the program run by the College Board. Lowercase when using the term generically.

• Example: You may earn Kenyon credit if you scored a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement test.
• Example: Based on her high school coursework and the results of a proficiency test, she earned advanced placement in chemistry.

Not adviser. This is a departure from AP Style.

African American
See nationalities and races.

Always use figures when referring to age. See numbers for more.

Use the lowercase, with periods.

ampersand (&)
Refrain from using in place of "and," unless it is part of a composition title or an organization’s formal name.

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Per AP style, this is acceptable in all references to a calendar year in the period before Christ. The abbreviation is placed after the figure for the year: 160 B.C.

Board of Trustees
Capitalize when referring to the Kenyon Board of Trustees, but lowercase "board" on second reference. Lowercase "trustee."

• Example: The Board of Trustees approved funding for a new residence hall. The board also discussed existing residences, with many trustees advocating a comprehensive schedule for renovations.

Brown Family Environmental Center
In formal and official documents (e.g., grant applications), use the official name: Brown Family Environmental Center at Kenyon College. For most uses, however, it is not necessary to add "at Kenyon College." On second reference, "BFEC" is fine. If using just the word "center" or the term "environmental center" on second reference, use lowercase.

Facilities of the BFEC include:

• Resource Center. Capitalize.
• Bemis Barn and Aviary. Or Bemis Aviary. Capitalize in both cases. Second reference: the aviary, lowercase; or the barn, lowercase.
• Farmhouse. Or BFEC Farmhouse. Capitalize.

In formal and official documents (e.g., grant applications), use the complete names of buildings.

• Example: The physics and mathematics departments are located in Rutherford B. Hayes Hall.
• Example: Public sculpture on the Kenyon campus includes Henry Moore’s "Large Spindle Piece," located in the Philip R. Mather Courtyard.

In posters, email announcements and other informal uses, it is not necessary to use the complete name.

• Example: The tour begins in the Science Quad, at the doors of Hayes Hall. Participants will get to see laboratories in both Hayes and Tomsich halls, as well as in the Fischman Wing of Higley Hall.
• NOTE: In this example, "halls" is lowercased in "Hayes and Tomsich halls." When two (or more) buildings are mentioned, the word "halls" is lowercased.

Use abbreviations and acronyms (e.g., RBH for Hayes Hall) only when you are sure that the intended audience will understand the reference. It’s always a good idea to provide a key explaining abbreviations and acronyms.

A complete list of buildings may be found in the College's online and printed directories.

buildings: rooms
All of the following are acceptable (but be consistent in usage within a single document):

Ascension Hall 126
Ascension 126
Ascension Hall, room 126
WRONG: 126 Ascension

Note that some rooms have specific names. Example: Hayes 109 is the Franklin Miller Jr. Lecture Hall. In deciding whether to use the room number or the name, consider what will be most easily understood by the intended audience. A poster advertising a campuswide event might use Hayes Hall 109, while an email to physics majors might use Franklin Miller Lecture Hall.

Here is a partial list of rooms that usually go by their names:
• Bemis Music Room. (Note: It may be helpful, especially for external audiences, to specify that it is located on the second floor of Peirce Hall.)
• Beulah Kahler Theater
• Brandi Recital Hall in Storer Hall (cumbersome but clear)
• Campbell-Meeker Room
• Community Foundation Theater in Gund Gallery
• Nu Pi Kappa (may need more explanation)
• Philomathesian Hall, or Philomathesian

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campus addresses
See buildings: rooms.

Spelled as one word, no hyphen.

capitalization: cultural movements
See cultural movements.

capitalization: departments, offices, etc.
See academic departments, divisions and programs and also administrative departments and offices.

capitalization: titles
Professional titles are capitalized when they immediately precede a personal name. Titles are normally lowercased when following a name or used in place of a name. Titles also are lowercased when used alone. Note that this rule applies to civil, military and religious titles as well as academic titles. The examples here entail academic titles.

RIGHT: Assistant Professor of History Richard Smith has designed a new seminar.
RIGHT: Sheila Jones, associate professor of biology, has received a grant from the National Science Foundation.
WRONG: I took a course from Edward Harvey, Professor of French.
RIGHT: Tom Edwards served as dean of students for many years.
WRONG: During exam period in the spring of my sophomore year, I was summoned to the office of Tom Edwards, Dean of Students.
RIGHT: Philip Jordan Jr., president emeritus, moved to Maine following his presidency.
WRONG: Philip Jordan Jr., President Emeritus, moved to Maine following his presidency.
RIGHT: They consulted with the assistant dean of students for housing and residential life.
WRONG: They met with the Dean for Academic Advising and Support.

Exceptions to this rule: A named professorship (chair) should always be capitalized, regardless of whether it precedes or follows the name.

• Example: I learned to write with discipline and clarity from Perry Lentz, the Charles P. McIlvaine Professor of English.

The title may also be capitalized after the name when used in a headline, directory or listing.

ceremonies and celebrations
Capitalize the College’s major ceremonies: Opening Convocation, Founders’ Day, Honors Day and Commencement. Also capitalize Homecoming and Homecoming Weekend.

See datelines.

class capitalization
When referring to classes in a general context, lowercase: first-year class, sophomore class, junior class, senior class.

For formal names of events, groups or committees involving a class, capitalize.

• Example: the Senior Class Committee

class reunion
See reunion.

class years
Lowercase the following: first-year student, sophomore, junior, senior.

For most purposes when discussing graduates of the College, follow the name with a space, then an apostrophe and the last two digits of the year of graduation.

• Example: E.L. Doctorow ’52 was one of America’s most distinguished novelists.

One can also say: E.L. Doctorow was a member of the Class of 1952. Note that, in this case, use all digits in the year.

WRONG: He will join other members of the Class of '52 at their reunion.

Honorary degree recipients are designated by the letter H and the year in which they were awarded for the degree. (Example: Denise Schmandt-Besserat H'08.) See honorary degrees for further guidance.

Like alumni, the parents of Kenyon students or Kenyon alumni are designated with a number referring to the class year of their student(s).

• Example: William Spitz P’08 is a trustee. [Spitz is the parent of a student in the Class of 2008.]

Note that many alumni are honorary degree recipients, Kenyon parents or both. (And, many honorary degree recipients also are Kenyon parents, if not alumni.) Class years always should be listed first, followed by honorary degree year, then the parent year. Some examples of stylistic treatment:

James D. Cox '60 H'97
Beatrice C. Mayer H'87 P'71
Charles P. Waite Jr. '77 P'06,'10 (he is the parent of students in the classes of 2006 and 2010)

Those who attended Kenyon but did not graduate or receive a degree are called matriculants. Identify matriculants as you would with other alumni, using the class year in which they would have graduated had they not left Kenyon. If it is necessary to note that they did not graduate, note that separately or write around the issue.

• Example: The New York Times praised John Doe '92 for his exquisite prose in his latest best-selling novel. Doe, who left Kenyon before graduating due to medical issues, credits his writing style to classes with Kenyon professors.

Class years and honorary and parent designations almost always should be used in stories, body text and sidebars to stories. Include in subheds if practical and if space allows. Consider the audience for the material; for non-Kenyon audiences, it may be sensible to omit some numerical designations.

Some class year designations may become cumbersome in text (example: a graduate who has received an honorary degree and has multiple children who attended Kenyon). If this is the case, it is acceptable to strike numerical designations and instead put relationships into context.

• Example: John Smith '80 H'00 is proud that his five children all have attended Kenyon. (Avoids the awkward appearance of "John Smith '80 H'00 P'02,'04,'06,'06,'10 is proud that his five children all have attended Kenyon.")

If a person is mentioned in a quote, it is not necessary to include their class year, but it could be included in a parenthetical, if space provides.

• Example: "The most important advice I received was from Professor [Perry] Lentz ['64]," John Green '00 H'16 said.

Hyphenate, per AP style. (Retain the hyphen in uses of "co-" when forming nouns, adjectives and verbs that indicate occupation or status.)

College, college
Capitalize "College" when referring specifically to Kenyon.

• Example: Kenyon College is located in Gambier, Ohio. The College enrolls approximately 1,650 students.

Note: Do not capitalize "college" when not referring specifically to Kenyon.

• Example: At Kenyon, students enjoy a multi-faceted college experience.

Spelled as one word, no hyphen.

For detailed guidance, consult the AP Stylebook.

Per the Stylebook: "Use commas to separate elements in a series, but do not put a comma before the conjunction in a simple series. Put a comma before the concluding conjunction in a series, however, if an integral element of the series requires a conjunction. Use a comma also before the concluding conjunction in a complex series of phrases."

• Example: The first-year students moved into McBride, Mather and Lewis halls.
• Example: The Friday Cafe menu featured pumpkin soup, green salad, and cheese and spinach strata.

See also ceremonies and celebrations. Capitalize when referring to Kenyon's graduation ceremony. Lowercase "weekend" in "Commencement weekend." Lowercase when referring to a graduation ceremony generically.

committee names
Capitalize the names of Board of Trustee committees, faculty committees, Campus Senate committees, Student Council committees and so on.

Community Foundation Theater
The name of the lecture hall on the lower level of the Gund Gallery. Use the full name rather than variations (e.g., Community Theater), and do not spell "theater" as "theatre."

composition titles
See titles: works.

course catalog
The official name of the book is the Kenyon College Catalog. (Prior to 2008-09, the book was called the Course of Study.) One can informally refer to the catalog, now an online publication, as "the catalog" or "the course catalog."

Note the spelling: catalog, not catalogue.

• Example: Graduation requirements are set forth in the Kenyon College Catalog. Students may also find course listings and requirements for all majors in the catalog.

course titles
Capitalize and use quotation marks for course titles. Quotation marks are not necessary when simply giving the department and course number of a course. When writing the course number and course title together, the course number should be listed first, followed by the course title in parentheses without quotation marks.

• Example: She taught both "Classical Mythology" and "Intermediate Greek: Prose."

• Example: Students who enrolled in Gender and Sexuality Studies 331 probably never expected to interview a fourth-grader for class. But that’s what happened after Associate Professor of Political Science Abbie Erler, who teaches "Gender, Power and Knowledge: Research Practices," decided to undertake an analysis of a Knox County health program.

• Example: INST 201 (The Expansion of International Society) explores the historical origins, causes and implications of today's globalized world.

course titles in a bulleted list
In a bulleted list of course titles (as in the Course Catalog), omit parentheses and quotation marks for visual clarity. Include the course number along with the course title, and separate the number and title with a colon.

• Example:

• SOCY 104: Identity in American Society
• SOCY 105: Society in Comparative Perspective
• SOCY 107: Institutions and Inequalities
• SOCY 108: Public Life

course titles in a long list
When multiple course titles appear together in a long list in body copy (as in the Course Catalog), omit the quotation marks for visual clarity.

• Example: Foundation courses in sociology include Identity in American Society, Society in Comparative Perspective, Institutions and Inequalities, and Public Life.

course titles in headlines or subheads
When using a course number and title in a headline or subhead, extra punctuation can be omitted for visual clarity.

• Example:

Lake Ecosystem Restoration
For ENVS 220: Applied Environmental Analysis

One word, not two, and not hyphenated.

cultural movements
Nouns and adjectives used to designate cultural styles, movements and schools should be capitalized if derived from proper nouns. Otherwise, lowercase.

Examples: Aristotelian, Cartesian, classicism, existentialism, formalism, Gothic (but gothic fiction), Gregorian chant, humanism, impressionism, modernism, Platonism, postmodernism, Pre-Raphaelite, realism, Romanesque, structuralism, surrealism, theater of the absurd.

Exception: Some movements are capitalized to distinguish them from the generic words used in everyday speech.

• Examples: Romanticism, Romantic poets.

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dash (–, —)
Per AP style, put a space on both sides of an em dash in all uses except the start of a paragraph and sports agate summaries. A thin space character can be used in typeset works. An em dash (—) typically is used in place of commas, parentheses or colons. An en dash (–) typically is used to denote a time span, a range of numbers, or scores.

• Example: The Chicago Cubs narrowly defeated the Cleveland Indians 8–7 in Game 7 of the 2016 World Series.
• Example: The Chicago Cubs — undeniably the best baseball team in 2016 — celebrated their win with a well-deserved parade.

One word, not two, and not hyphenated.

When mentioning cities in a story, also list the state in which the city is located. Consult the AP Stylebook for exceptions to this rule (such as Chicago, Cincinnati and Cleveland). If the context of the story makes it clear that the city is in a particular state, listing the state is not necessary. Include "Ohio" after "Columbus" unless context makes clear that the location is or is in Columbus, Ohio, not Columbus, Indiana; Columbus, Wisconsin; Columbus, Georgia; etc.

• Example: Much of the produce served in Peirce Hall comes from a farm in Danville, Ohio. The meat often is from nearby Mount Vernon.
• Example: Students have plenty of opportunities for internships in Columbus, just an hour’s drive away.
• Example: Professional artists from Columbus, Ohio, were invited to critique the students’ work.

An international city should be listed with the country in which it is located. The AP Stylebook provides a list of exceptions to this rule (such as London and Paris).

Use a comma before and after the year in full dates within sentences.

• Example: The lecture will be held Dec. 1, 2016, in Rosse Hall.

Use Taoism.

departments, programs and offices
See administrative departments and offices.

divisions (academic)
See academic departments, divisions and programs.

Use the term "residence hall."

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East, Eastern, eastern
See geographical terms.

In general, construct an ellipsis as a three-letter word, with three periods surrounded by a space on either side: space-period-period-period-space. When preceding an ellipsis with a complete sentence, include end punctuation on the sentence before proceeding with the ellipsis.

• Example: I wanted to eat everything in Peirce Hall. … I held back.
• Example: When are you coming home? …

Use an ellipsis to indicate deletion of words when condensing quotes or text. (Take care to not change the meaning of the text when choosing which words to omit.) When omitting material at the end of one paragraph and the beginning of one that follows, use an ellipsis in both locations. Do not use ellipses at the beginning and end of direct quotes. For more examples on usage, consult the AP Stylebook.

Not e-mail.

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first-generation student

Use "first-year student," not "freshman." For informal publications, "first-year" is acceptable in reference to a first-year student, but keep it hyphenated.

first-year quad
Lowercase this term.

foreign words
Some foreign words (example: bon voyage, et cetera,) have been broadly accepted into the English language. For other foreign words that may not be universally understood, place in quotation marks and provide an explanation.

Founders' Day
Note placement of the apostrophe.

Avoid this term. Instead, use "first-year" or "first-year student." (Examples: first-year quad, first-year classes.)

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Gambier Hill
While this is not an official place name, it is used as such in Kenyon tradition and should be capitalized. It is acceptable to use, simply, "the Hill," when it is clear that you are referring to Gambier Hill.

geographical terms
Capitalize the names of continents, countries, cities, oceans and such — i.e., entities that appear on maps, and the adjectives and nouns deriving from them.

• Examples: Chicago, Chicagoan, Ireland, Irish.

Regional terms: Capitalize regional terms that are accepted as proper names, but lowercase the adjectives and nouns deriving from them.

• Examples: the Northwest, northwestern; the East, East Coast, eastern, an easterner; the Far East; the Midwest, midwestern, a midwesterner.

Popular names: These are usually capitalized (but not put in quotation marks).

• Examples: the Bay Area, the Cape, the Eastern Shore, the Fertile Crescent, the Gulf, the Lake District, the Left Bank, the Loop (Chicago), the Panhandle, the Rust Belt, Silicon Valley, the Sun Belt, the Twin Cities, the Upper West Side, the Wild West.

Capitalize grade categories, without quotation marks.

• Example: He received an A in "Linear Algebra," but his transcript showed he withdrew from "General Physics I."

Per AP style, use an apostrophe for plurals of a single letter.

RIGHT: She got two A's, two B's and a C.
WRONG: She got two As, two Bs and a C.

grade point average
Do not use a hyphen in this phrase.

The Gund at Kenyon College
A contemporary art museum whose primary office, gathering and exhibition space on campus is the Gund Gallery. “The Gund” is also acceptable on either first or second reference.

Gund Gallery
The name of the building that houses both The Gund at Kenyon College, a contemporary art museum with programs that extend beyond the gallery’s walls, and the Department of Art History. When referring to the building, use "Gund Gallery" rather than "The Gund."

• Example: The lecture will be held in the Community Foundation Theater in Gund Gallery.

Gund Associates Program
The official name of the program involving Kenyon students who participate in the museum's work. Gund Associates is acceptable in reference to the students involved in the program. On second reference, associates (lowercase) is fine.

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The Hill
See Gambier Hill.

Capitalize "Honors Program," but not "honors."

• Example: The Honors Program in anthropology requires independent research. Students intending to read for honors should contact the chair of the department.

Capitalize departmental honors.

• Example: Students may receive no honors, Honors, High Honors or Highest Honors.

Lowercase college honors: cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude. (Note: These terms are not italicized.)

honorary degrees
Honorary degree recipients are designated by the letter H and the year in which they were awarded for the degree.

Example: Denise Schmandt-Besserat H'08.

Note that many honorary degree recipients also are alumni, Kenyon parents or both; or they may be the parents of more than one Kenyon graduate. See class years for examples of stylistic treatment.

Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity. They are not necessary for common compounds that will be clearly understood.

• Examples: right-handed pitcher, dog-eat-dog world, mass-produced consumer goods, liberal arts college, liberal arts and sciences education, high school transcript, art history curriculum.

Take care to use hyphens when their absence might lead to ambiguity or confusion.

• Example: small-animal hospital (a hospital for small animals) vs. small animal hospital (an animal hospital that isn’t large).

Note the special placement of the hyphen when two compound modifiers end in a common element: the choral- and instrumental-music concert, five- to 10-minute intervals.

Words that otherwise might be misread should be hyphenated. Example: re-creation.

Compounds formed by an adverb ending in -ly plus an adjective or participle are not hyphenated, either before or after a noun.

• Example: The widely published author will speak next month.
• Example: She was smartly dressed.

Use hyphens with age terms.
• Examples: a 55-year-old man, 8- to 10-year-olds.

Compounds formed with prefixes are normally closed, with exceptions of the sort noted below. (Consult the AP Stylebook for more exceptions.)

• Examples: antebellum, hyperactive, megamall, metalanguage, microeconomics, postdoctoral, preregistration, prewar.

Exceptions: A hyphen should appear before a capitalized word, before a numeral and before a compound term. A hyphen should also appear to separate two i’s, two a’s and other combinations of letters and syllables that might cause misreading.

• Examples: anti-inflammatory, post-Vietnam, pre-1950, non-self-sustaining, anti-intellectual, pre-eminent.

Exception: non-major.

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interdisciplinary programs
See academic departments, divisions and programs.

Lowercase this term.

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Jr., Sr. and III
Do not use a comma before or after these elements.

• Example: Robert A. Oden Jr. served as Kenyon’s president during the construction of the new science buildings.

John W. Adams Summer Scholars Program in Socio-Legal Studies
The official name for this program. It should be capitalized. Note, too, the hyphen in "Socio-Legal" (an exception to our general rule on the prefix "socio-"). Students participating in the program can be called Summer Legal Scholars.

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Kenyon College Dance and Dramatic Club. Spell out on first reference.

Kenyon buildings
See buildings.

Kenyon College
In second reference, capitalize "College."

• Example: Kenyon College is located in Gambier, Ohio. The College enrolls approximately 1,650 students.

Note: Do not capitalize "college" when not referring specifically to Kenyon.

• Example: At Kenyon, students enjoy a multi-faceted college experience.

Kenyon College Catalog
See course catalog.

Kenyon Fund
Capitalize "the Fund" in second reference.

Kenyon Parents Fund
No apostrophe in "Parents." In second reference, capitalize "the Fund" or "the Parents Fund."

Kenyon Review
Following AP style, do not italicize. The initial "the" in the title of the Kenyon Review is lowercased (unless it begins a sentence). In second reference, one can use "the Review."

• Example: Prominent writers as well as promising newcomers appear in the pages of the Kenyon Review. Critics continue to regard the Review as one of the nation’s best literary journals.

Do not italicize Kenyon Review when it is the name of a building, organization, prize, etc.

• Examples: the Kenyon Review Award for Literary Achievement, the Kenyon Review Associates.

Kenyon Review Associates Program
The official name for the program involving students who work directly with Review staff to produce the magazine. Kenyon Review Associates is acceptable for reference to the students involved in the program. On second reference, associates (lowercase) is fine.

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The shorter "Latino/a" also is acceptable. If in the official name of an event, group or program, "Latinx" is acceptable in reference to the name of the event, group or program. Latino/a Studies is the official name of Kenyon’s concentration.

Capitalize the name of a lecture series. The titles of individual lectures go in quotation marks.

• Example: Pierce Scranton spoke on campus as part of the Burton Morgan Lecture Series.
• Example: Higley Hall Auditorium was packed for Jane Goodall's lecture, "The Chimps of Gombe."

liberal arts college
No hyphenation necessary.

Lords and Ladies
See Moniker (athletics)

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Middle Path Gates
The preferred name for the gates at the entrance to Middle Path on South Campus. College Gates or Marriott Park Gates also are acceptable. Avoid use of "Gates of Hell."

Moniker (athletics)

The Owls moniker refers to all Kenyon athletics teams, beginning in July 2022. Use Owls when writing about sports competing in the present, as well as when referring to teams in competition beginning in July 2022. Do not use Owls to refer to teams in competition prior to July 2022.

Prior to July 2022, the Lords and Ladies were, respectively, the monikers used for men’s and women’s teams at Kenyon. Lords and Ladies may be used to refer to teams in competition prior to July 2022. 

It’s preferable, however, simply to refer to teams by the name of the sport (e.g., the men’s swimming and diving team, the women’s soccer team, etc.), no matter the era in which they competed.

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In general, use the name, punctuation and diacritical marks preferred by the subject. Nicknames are acceptable when it is the way the subject would prefer to be known. (Examples: Jay Z, Babe Ruth.)

When it becomes necessary to distinguish between two people with the same last name, use the first and last name.

If a nickname is inserted into a proper name, use quotation marks around it. (Example: Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody.)

Do not use a comma before or after Jr., Sr. and III.

In publications geared toward an alumni audience, use the name the subject used at Kenyon followed by their new name, if applicable. (Examples: Stephanie Mannatt Danler ’06, Julie Hill Barton ’95.)

When in doubt, defer to the preferred name currently used by the subject.

named professorships
See capitalization: titles.

nationalities and races
Capitalize the proper names of nationalities, races, etc. Examples: Aborigine, African American, Asian American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Latino, Latina, Native American.

In a departure from AP style, the hyphen is not used in phrases like "African American," whether the phrase functions as a noun or adjective.

• Example: African Americans migrated to northern cities during this period.
• Example: This course examines the work of African American playwright August Wilson.

Designations based loosely on color are usually lowercased.

• Example: During the civil rights movement, blacks and whites marched together.

Hyphenate. (This is an exception.)

One word; do not hyphenate.

Nu Pi Kappa
For external audiences, you may want to note that this room is located on the third floor of Ascension Hall.

In general, spell out one through nine, and use figures for 10 or above. Do the same with ordinals (first-ninth, then 10th and so on.)

Also use figures for academic course numbers, ages, vehicle designations (except for "Air Force One"), court decisions and votes ("the Supreme Court ruled 5–4"), dates and decades, decimals, fractions with numbers larger than 1, golf clubs, highway designations, mathematical usage, military ranks, monetary units, odds and ratios, percentages, political districts, ranks, sequential designations ("size 6," "chapter 7"), speeds, sports scores, times, and units of measurement (dimensions, distances, recipes, temperatures).

Use figures for address numbers, but spell out "First" through "Ninth" when used as street names. (Example: 8 Sixth Ave., 221 81st St.)

Spell out numbers at the start of a sentence, unless it is a year. Spell out in casual uses ("thanks a million") and in proper names ("the Final Four.")

Use numerals and decimal points for course credit. (Example: A typical semester-long course carries .5 unit of credit.)

For more detailed examples, consult the AP Stylebook.

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No hyphen.

Opening Convocation
The name of Kenyon’s opening ceremony at the start of each academic year. Capitalize.

Capitalize Orientation when referring to the Orientation Program. (Also capitalize Orientation Program.) Keep lowercase when not referring to the program.

See Moniker (athletics)

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Like alumni, the parents of Kenyon students or Kenyon alumni are designated with a number referring to the class year of their student(s). See class years for examples.

Example: William Spitz P'08 is a trustee. [Spitz is the parent of a student in the Class of 2008.]

Peirce Hall
Note that the "e" precedes the "i" in Peirce Hall, which is named for William Foster Peirce, president of the College from 1896 to 1937.

Use figures for percent and percentages and use the symbol (%).

periodical titles
See titles: works.

Philander Chase Conservancy
On first reference, use "the Philander Chase Conservancy." "The Conservancy" (capitalized) and “the land trust” (lowercase) are acceptable on second reference. Avoid other shortened forms, including “PCC” and “P Chase.”

Philomathesian Hall
For external audiences, you may want to note that this room is located on the second floor of Ascension Hall.

phone numbers
Use hyphens between the elements of a phone number. Example: 740-427-5158.

Spell as one word.

professorships, named
See capitalization, titles.

If relevant, note an individual’s pronoun preferences. When writing about a topic that is gender-neutral and does not refer to a specific person, use gender-neutral pronouns ("person/people" instead of "him or her"). The singular "they/them" is acceptable. More information on pronouns is available on the ODEI’s website.

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rain site
Spell as two words.

Capitalize the event Reunion Weekend, as well as Reunion when it is used as shorthand for Reunion Weekend. Lowercase the term when used generically.

• Example: Nearly 60 alumni of the Chamber Singers are planning to attend Reunion. They’ll be presenting a concert on Saturday evening during Reunion Weekend. “I’ve been looking forward to this reunion for years,” one said.

rooms and room numbers
See buildings: rooms.

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Science Quad
Capitalize this term.

Senior Capstone
Capitalize this Kenyon term.

• Example: In order to graduate, all students must complete the Senior Capstone in their major.

Senior Staff
Capitalize this term when it refers to Kenyon’s administrative leadership team, consisting of the president, division heads and so on.

As a prefix, do not hyphenate, except for when referring to the John W. Adams Summer Scholars Program in Socio-Legal Studies.

• Example: The class examined the sociopolitical implications of the war.

The official name of the children’s science-based organization based in Mount Vernon. Formerly known as SPI Spot. When writing about SPI in publications for external audiences, clarify what it is (e.g., "a science-based attraction," "where science and play intersect") on first reference.

Summer Scholars program
Capitalize the name of this Kenyon program, started in 2014, that provides opportunities for students to work in close collaboration with faculty mentors in the social sciences and humanities. Participants are called Summer Scholars.

Summer Science Scholars program
Capitalize the name of this Kenyon program that provides opportunities for students to work in close collaboration with faculty mentors in natural science disciplines. Participants are called Summer Science Scholars.

Summer Legal Scholars
The official name for this program is John W. Adams Summer Scholars Program in Socio-Legal Studies. It should be capitalized. Note, too, the hyphen in "Socio-Legal" (an exception to our general rule on the prefix "socio-"). Students participating in the program can be called Summer Legal Scholars.

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Not Daoism.

Use this spelling, unless the proper name is "theatre."

titles: people
See also capitalization: titles.

In general, avoid courtesy titles such as Mr., Mrs. and Ms.

When relevant, "the Rev." is an acceptable shorthand to use before a name on first reference. When relevant, "Dr." is acceptable to use on first reference as a formal title before the name of a person who holds a doctor of dental surgery, medicine, optometry, veterinary medicine, or other medical discipline. Consult the AP Stylebook for additional guidance regarding religious and courtesy titles.

titles: works
Following AP style, put quotations around the names of books, movies, operas, plays, poems, albums, songs, radio programs, television shows, lectures, speeches and works of art. Capitalize the principal words, including prepositions and conjunctions of four or more letters, and articles (the, a, an) or words of fewer than four letters if it is the first or last word in a title. Do not italicize titles.

For newspapers and magazine titles, no quotes are necessary. When newspapers and periodicals are mentioned in text, an initial "the," even if part of the official title, is lowercased (unless it begins a sentence) and not italicized.

• Example: They distributed issues of the Kenyon Review.
• Example: The Kenyon Collegian published an in-depth interview with the visiting lecturer.

Books that are primarily catalogs of reference material or the Bible also should not be italicized and do not need quotation marks. Names of most websites and apps do not need quotes. Consult the AP Stylebook for additional guidance.

Lowercase "trustee," even when discussing members of Kenyon’s Board of Trustees.

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upperclass students
This term (one word, lowercase) designates sophomores, juniors and seniors.

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webpages and websites
The Web comes from the proper name World Wide Web and is thus capitalized. However, when used as a compound word, it appears in lowercase: website, webpage, webcam, webcast.

Hyphenate as part of a compound modifier.
• Example: Professor of Biology Siobhan Fennessy is well-known for her expertise on wetlands.
• Example: Companies want to hire well-rounded graduates from liberal arts colleges.

West, Western, western
See geographical terms.

West Quad
Capitalize this term.

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Quick guide

  • Advisor, not adviser
  • Catalog, not catalogue
  • Co-author, not coauthor
  • Co-chair, not cochair
  • Co-director, not codirector
  • Liberal arts college, not liberal-arts college (see hyphen)
  • Nonprofit, not non-profit
  • Theater, not theatre

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