Singing is a deeply rooted tradition at Kenyon, as evidenced by the multiple singing groups that have existed for many years. For generations, the first and last "sings" of a student's career at Kenyon have remained the most treasured.
Song Lyrics
Download the Philander Chase Sheet Music.
The first of Kenyon's goodly race
Was that great man Philander Chase;
He climbed the Hill and said a prayer,
And founded Kenyon College there.
He climbed the Hill and said a prayer,
And founded Kenyon College there.
He dug up stones, he chopped down trees,
He sailed across the stormy seas,
And begged at every noble's door,
And also that of Hannah More.
And begged at every noble's door,
And also that of Hannah More.
The King, the Queen, the Lords, the Earls,
They gave their crowns, they gave their pearls
Until Philander had enough
And hurried homeward with the stuff.
Until Philander had enough
And hurried homeward with the stuff.
He built the College, built the dam
He milked the cow, he smoked the ham,
He taught the classes, rang the bell,
And spanked the naughty freshmen well.
He taught the classes, rang the bell,
And spanked the naughty freshmen well.
And thus he worked with all his might
For Kenyon College, day and night;
And Kenyon's heart still holds a place
Of love for Old Philander Chase.
And Kenyon's heart still holds a place
Of love for Old Philander Chase.
Download the Kokosing Farewell sheet music.
Old Kenyon, we are like Kokosing,
Obedient to some strange spell,
Which urges us from all reposing;
Farewell, Old Kenyon,
Fare thee well.
And yet we are not like Kokosing,
Which beareth naught upon its swell
But foam of motion's own composing;
Farewell, Old Kenyon,
Fare thee well.
But when we are far from Kokosing,
We still shall hear a calling bell,
When round us evening shades are closing;
Farewell, Old Kenyon,
Fare thee well.
And see a river like Kokosing,
In meadows sweet with asphodel,
Where mem'ry dwells dear past supposing;
Farewell, Old Kenyon,
Fare thee well.
Download The Thrill sheet music.
There is a thrill of spirit which love imparts
When turn our thoughts to Kenyon's glory;
Both old and young with single tongue
Unite to sing our Alma Mater's story.
Then let our songs ascend in unison!
Our loyal hearts avow no other.
It unifies, it never dies,
The love of Kenyon, our mother.
Thy beauty strikes a chord of harmony,
And lends us to our high endeavor;
Thy glorious name, thy spotless fame,
We'll cherish in our heart of hearts forever.
Download the Stand Up and Cheer sheet music.
Stand up and cheer,
Cheer loud and long for dear old Kenyon,
For today we raise
The mauve above the red and gray!
Our sturdy students* now are fighting,
And they are sure to win the fray,
We’ve got the vim,
We're sure to win,
For this is dear old Kenyon’s Day (Rah! Rah! Rah!)
*“Students” may be replaced with the relevant descriptor, i.e. First-Years, Seniors, etc.
New Student Sing

New students gather on the steps of Rosse Hall.

Song sheets are provided to help with the lyrics.

Returning students cheer on the singers and show support for their Orientation groups.

Professor of Music Ben "Doc" Locke conducts the New Student Sing.

All-Reunion Sing