Tent plans are approved by plans examiners at the Ohio Department of Commerce. Inspectors from the State of Ohio will inspect your application submitted through their online portal and the tent during a site visit after your tent installation and before your event. This process has been taking twelve weeks, but it could take longer.
Please locate a tent vendor who will prepare and submit the permit application to the Ohio Department of Commerce. Many vendors in Columbus will apply for tent permits. Please contact the Office of Campus Events for suggestions or assistance locating a vendor.
Division of Industrial Compliance Tent Submission Requirements
The applicable codes for compliance, as referenced in this document, are the 2024 Ohio Building Code (OBC) and the 2021 International Fire Code (IFC).
Ohio Department of Commerce Application for Tent Permits
Tented Event Request Timeline
13-14 weeks prior to your tented event:
- Request the outdoor tent space in EMS (Event Management System).
EMS on campus, or type events-reservations.kenyon.edu into your browser.
EMS from off-campus, or type vpn.kenyon.edu into your browser.
Once the requested space(s) is confirmed the event planner completes a service request in EMS to request an underground utility location check to confirm that a tent can be anchored in your desired event space.
The event planner contacts a tent vendor and confirms the tented event details including installation and teardown dates.
- Locate a tent vendor that will prepare and submit the permit application on the Ohio Department of Commerce portal to ensure all of their guidelines are met.
The event planner submits all fire watch and safety plans to the assistant director of campus safety for plan finalization and approval, and to discuss staffing needs. The event planner will be responsible for the life safety requirements outlined in these plans. Campus Safety may be available to assist with these fire and safety watches for an additional fee.
- Fire Watch Plans must be approved by Fire Marshal Terry Davis, Mount Vernon Fire Department, 200 W. Gambier St., Mount Vernon, OH 43050, 740-393-9571, tedavis@mountvernonohio.org.
- Sample Fire Watch Plan
- Sample High Wind Action Plan
- The event planner submits the completed tent permit packet to the director of facility operations.
The event planner must apply for a zoning permit with the Village of Gambier. Please note that the Gambier Planning and Zoning Commission meets every third (3rd) Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m., at the Gambier Community Center.
All applications must be submitted to the village office by 4 p.m. on the Thursday before the meeting (2nd Thursday of every month) to be considered at the regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
The application fee must be paid in full before the zoning meeting.
Please ensure that Vice President for Facilities, Planning and Sustainability Ian Smith will be in attendance or send a representative.
The Village of Gambier and the Ohio Department of Commerce each require the application found on their websites below.