XVI. Compliance
Title IX Compliance
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual and gender-based harassment and violence, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking in any federally funded education program or activity. The College will not tolerate such conduct. The College’s Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator manages the resolution of all conduct prohibited by this policy. To make a report or discuss any aspect of this policy, please contact Director of the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Coordinator Kevin Peterson at 740-427-5245 or peterson2@kenyon.edu.
Clery Act Compliance
The Clery Act, as amended, imposes certain requirements on the College’s response to Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking. Post-secondary institutions who receive federal funding are required to report crime statistics in their daily crime log, Annual Security Report, and to the U.S. Department of Education. Key response and procedural protections under the Clery Act include issuing a timely warning when there is a serious or ongoing threat, instituting protective measures (referred to as supportive measures below), using trained and impartial investigators and decision-makers, reaffirming the right of individuals to decide whether to report or seek assistance from law enforcement and/or campus authorities, allowing individuals to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice during the process, allowing timely and equal access to any information used in a disciplinary proceeding, and providing written notice of the outcome and rationale.
Title VI Compliance
Title VI, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. It prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.
ADA/Section 504 Compliance
The Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator is designated as the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator.
Kenyon College is committed to fostering a non-discriminatory campus environment in which community members can learn and work. Kenyon College prohibits discrimination in its educational programs and activities, which includes, but is not limited to housing, admission, and employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, medical condition, genetic information, military service, veteran status, marital status, familial status, parenting, pregnancy or related conditions, or any other characteristic protected by state, local, or federal law.
Inquiries regarding Kenyon’s non-discrimination policies should be directed to the Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator at 740-427-5820, hughess@kenyon.edu, or Kenyon College, Stephens Hall, Gambier, OH 43022.
Published in July 2024 by the Office for Civil Rights and the Office of Communications.