Kenyon College is committed to fostering a climate free from discrimination and harassment, through clear and effective policies, a coordinated education and prevention program, and prompt and equitable procedures for resolution of reports of conduct prohibited under the Civil Rights Policy. The College encourages all members of its community to participate in the process of creating a safe, welcoming and respectful environment on campus.

This policy provides the Kenyon community with (1) resources and recourse for individuals who experience prohibited conduct, (2) guidance to a reporting party, complainant, respondent or other affected community members, (3) Kenyon’s expectations for healthy respectful interpersonal interaction and communication, and (4) a procedural outline for addressing behaviors that are counter to Kenyon’s mission and prohibited by this policy.

The College emphasizes that every person, regardless of demographic or personal characteristics or identity, is entitled to the same protections against harassment and misconduct on the basis of a protected characteristic and that every individual will be treated with equal dignity and respect.

Office for Civil Rights Staff

Name Contact Department or Center Profile Image

Kevin Peterson

Director of Office for Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator
Stephens Hall 221
Phone Number
(740) 427-5245

Kirstin Fuller

Human Resources Coordinator
Areas of Expertise
Background checks; employment verifications; PageUp  
Eaton North
Phone Number
(740) 427-5384

Complaint Resolution Decision Tree

View a flow chart depicting the process initiated by making a report to the civil rights and Title IX coordinator.

View the Civil Rights Policy

The current Civil Rights Policy is available to read online.

Office Brochure

This brochure includes information about how to get help, Kenyon policies, a glossary of terms and frequently asked questions.

Informational Poster

Download a poster with information about reporting options and resources.