The Office for Civil Rights at Kenyon College monitors and coordinates compliance with nondiscrimination laws and investigates complaints alleging discrimination and or harassment on the basis of housing, admission, and employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, medical condition, genetic information, veteran status, marital status, familial status, parenting, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by state, local or federal law. The office is headed by Director/Title IX Coordinator Kevin Peterson.


Please use this form to report discrimination incidents or sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, attempted or completed sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner or dating violence, or discrimination based on sex in a Kenyon program or activity.

Office Brochure

This brochure includes information about how to get help, Kenyon policies, a glossary of terms and frequently asked questions.

Informational Poster

Download a poster with information about reporting options and resources.

Kevin Peterson

Director of Office for Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator
Phone Number
Stephens Hall 221

Katie Sherman

Civil Rights/Title IX Deputy Coordinator
Phone Number
Email Address
Stephens Hall 224