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- Fall 2024
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- Fall 2021
- Spring 2021
- Fall 2020
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2019
- Spring 2019
- Fall 2018
- Spring 2018
- Fall 2017
- Spring 2017
- Fall 2016
- Spring 2016
Fall 2024
- Vyas and Reid (2023) "What Moves the Needle on DFW Rates and Student Success in General Chemistry? A Quarter-Century Perspective." J. Chem. Educ. 100:1547–1556. doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c01121
- York et. al. (2024) "An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Analysis of Factors Contributing to Students’ Perceptions of Inclusion in Introductory STEM Courses." CBE Life Sci Educ. 23(3):ar40. doi.org/10.1187/cbe.23-04-0055
- Vincent-Ruiz et. al. (2024) "A Counterstory to Deficit Narratives of 'Underperformance' of Demographically Minoritized Students in General Chemistry." J. Chem. Educ. 101:2188-2202. doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00610
Spring 2024
- Connell et al., 2023. "Forming Groups in a Large-Enrollment Biology Class: Group Permanence Matters More than Group Size." doi.org/10.1187/cbe.22-08-0172
- Guo et al., 2023. "Leveraging ChatGPT for Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills." pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00505
- Lim and Javadpour, 2021. "Into the Unknown: Uncertainty and Procrastination in Students From a Life History Perspective." frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.717380/full
Fall 2023
Busch et al 2023. "The Disproportionate Impact of Fear of Negative Evaluation on First-Generation College Students, LGBTQ+ Students, and Students with Disabilities in College Science Courses." www.lifescied.org/doi/
10.1187/cbe.22-10-0195 -
Malespina and Singh 2023. "Gender gaps in grades versus grade penalties: why grade anomalies may be more detrimental for women aspiring for careers in biological sciences." doi.org/10.1186/
s40594-023-00399-7 -
Demirdöğen and Lewis 2023. "Investigating How Chemistry Students’ Reported Challenges Inform the Relationship between Mindset and Academic Performance." doi.org/10.1021/acs.
Spring 2023
- Pfeifer et al. 2022. "What I Wish My Instructor Knew: How Active Learning Influences the Classroom Experiences and Self-Advocacy of STEM Majors with ADHD and Specific Learning Disabilities.”
- Barthelemy et al. 2022. "Workplace climate for LGBT+ physicists: A view from students and professional physicists.”
- Hynninen et al. 2023. "Ongoing effects of pandemic-imposed learning environment disruption on student attitudes.”
Fall 2022
- Cooper et al. 2021. "Cultural capital in undergraduate research: an exploration of how biology students operationalize knowledge to access research experiences at a large, public research-intensive institution.”
- McQueen and Colegrave 2022. "Raising attainment for low-scoring students through quectures: an analysis of achievement and engagement with personalised learning in lectures.”
- Cwik and Singh 2022. "Students’ sense of belonging in introductory physics course for bioscience majors predicts their grade.”
- Howe et al. 2022. "Graduate Student Women’s Perceptions of Faculty Careers: The Critical Role of Departmental Values and Support in Career Choice.”
Spring 2022
- Deslauriers, et al. (2019) Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom.
Levine, Reypens, and Stark (2021) Racial attention deficit.
Fall 2021
- Canning, et al. (2021) Professors Who Signal a Fixed Mindset About Ability Undermine Women’s Performance in STEM
- Harris, et al. (2020) Reducing achievement gaps in undergraduate general chemistry could lift underrepresented students into a “hyperpersistent zone”
- Nadile, et al. (2021) Call on me! Undergraduates’ perceptions of voluntarily asking and answering questions in front of large-enrollment science classes
- Darnell, et al. (2019) Student engagement, assessed using heart rate, shows no reset following active learning sessions in lectures
Spring 2021
- Choe et al. "Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in Asynchronous Online Lecture Videos" CBE Life Sci Educ December 1, 2019 18:ar55 DOI:10.1187/cbe.18-08-0171
- Atieh et al. "Beneath the Surface: An Investigation of General Chemistry Students’ Study Skills to Predict Course Outcomes" dx.doi.org/10.1021/
acs.jchemed.0c01074 - Brigati JR, England BJ, Schussler EE (2020). "How do undergraduates cope with anxiety resulting from active learning practices in introductory biology?" PLoS ONE 15(8): e0236558. https://doi.org/10.1371/
Fall 2020
- Orr & Foster 2013: "Increasing Student Success Using Online Quizzing in Introductory (Majors) Biology."
- Fisher et al. 2019: "Structure and belonging: Pathways to success for underrepresented minority and women PhD students in STEM fields."
- Jensen et al. 2018, "Investigating Strategies for Pre-Class Content Learning in a Flipped Classroom."
Spring 2020
- January 22: Ballen, et. al. 2017, "Exams disadvantage women in introductory biology"
- February 6: Patridge, et. al. 2014, "Factors impacting the academic climate for LGBQ STEM faculty"
- February 18: Henning, et. al. 2019, "Hidden Identities Shape Student Perceptions of Active Learning Environments"
- March 16: Vander Waal Mills, et. al. 2019, "Implementation of Open Textbooks in Community and Technical College Biology Courses: The Good, the Bad, and the Data"
- April 2: Reading to be determined
Fall 2019
September 10: Yeager et al. 2016. "Teaching a lay theory before college narrows achievement gaps at scale."
September 26: Harris et al. 2019. "Can Test Anxiety Interventions Alleviate a Gender Gap in an Undergraduate STEM Course?"
October 16: Damkaci et al. 2017. "Peer Mentor Program for the General Chemistry Laboratory Designed To Improve Undergraduate STEM Retention"
October 29: Osterhage et al. 2019. "Opportunities for Self-Evaluation Increase Student Calibration in an Introductory Biology Course."
November 11: Cooper et al. 2019. "Factors that predict life sciences student persistence in undergraduate research experiences."
Spring 2019
- January 16: Donovan, et al. 2018. “Student Learning Outcomes and Attitudes Using Three Methods of Group Formation in a Nonmajors Biology Class.”
- January 31: Wyse & Soneral 2018. “‘Is This Class Hard?’ Defining and Analyzing Academic Rigor from a Learner’s Perspective.”
- February 11: Styers, et al. 2018. “Active Learning in Flipped Life Science Courses Promotes Development of Critical Thinking Skills.”
- March 19: Park, et al. 2018. “Self-regulation and STEM persistence in minority and non-minority students across the first year of college.”
- April 3: Canning, et al. 2019. “STEM faculty who believe ability is fixed have larger racial achievement gaps and inspire less student motivation in their classes.”
Fall 2018
- September 4: England et al 2017. "Student anxiety in introductory biology classrooms: Perceptions about active learning and persistence in the major."
- September 19: Bailey et al 2018, "Learning Gains from a Recurring “Teach and Question” Homework Assignment in a General Biology Course: Using Reciprocal Peer Tutoring Outside Class."
- October 2: Rainey et al 2018. "Race and gender differences in how sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM."
- October 17: Miller et al 2018. "Use of a Social Annotation Platform for Pre-Class Reading Assignments in a Flipped Introductory Physics Class."
- November 1: Pelletreau et al 2018. "A Faculty Professional Development Model That Improves Student Learning, Encourages Active-Learning Instructional Practices, and Works for Faculty at Multiple Institutions."
Spring 2018
- January 25: Dennin et al (2017) “Aligning Practice to Policies: Changing the Culture to Recognize and Reward Teaching at Research Universities”
- February 13: Thoman et al (2017) “Research Microcultures as Socialization Contexts for Underrepresented Science Students”
- February 28: Owens et al (2017) “Classroom sound can be used to classify teaching practices in college science courses”
- March 22: Talanquer and Pollard (2017) “Reforming a large foundational course: Successes and challenges”
- April 11: Williams et al (2017) “Does Gender of Administrator Matter? National Study Explores U.S. University Administrators' Attitudes About Retaining Women Professors in STEM"
Fall 2017
- September 14: Dasgupta and Dennehy (2017) “Female peer mentors early in college increase women’s positive academic experiences and retention in engineering”
- September 26: Gibbs et al (2016) “Decoupling of the minority PhD talent pool and assistant professor hiring in medical school basic science departments in the US”
- October 11: Moore et al (2017) “Unpacking “Active Learning”: A Combination of Flipped Classroom and Collaboration Support Is More Effective but Collaboration Support Alone Is Not”
- October 30: Walton et al (2014) “Two Brief Interventions to Mitigate a “Chilly Climate” Transform Women’s Experience, Relationships, and Achievement in Engineering”
- November 16: McCourt et al (2017) “What Motivates Biology Instructors to Engage and Persist in Teaching Professional Development?”
- January 26: Kudish et al (2016) ”Active Learning Outside the Classroom: Implementation and Outcomes of Peer-Led Team-Learning Workshops in Introductory Biology”
- February 14: Cooper and Brownell (2016) “Coming Out in Class: Challenges and Benefits of Active Learning in a Biology Classroom for LGBTQIA Students”
- March 1: Gregg-Jolly et al. (2016) “Situating Second-Year Success: Understanding Second-Year STEM Experiences at a Liberal Arts College”
- March 30: Brown et al (2016) “Improving Performance in Quantum Mechanics with Explicit Incentives to Correct Mistakes”
- April 18: Schinske et al (2016) “Scientist Spotlight Homework Assignments Shift Students Stereotypes of Scientists and Enhance Science Identity in a Diverse Introductory Science Class”
Fall 2016
- September 6: Freeman et al (2014) “Active Learning Increases Student Performance in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics & Statistics”
- September 21: Eddy et al (2015) “Caution, Student Experience May Vary: Social Identities Impact a Student’s Experience in Peer Discussions”
- October 13: Nevis (2016) "Participation grades favor extroverts" and Klein and Riordan (2016) "Participation Penalizes Quiet Learners"
- October 24: Jackson et al (2016) “Science That Matters: the Importance of a Cultural Connection in Underrepresented Students' Science Pursuit”
- November 10: Walton and Cohen (2011) “A Brief Social-Belonging Intervention Improves Academic and Health Outcomes of Minority Students”
Spring 2016
- March 1: Grunspan et al (2016) “Males Under-Estimate Academic Performance of Their Female Peers in Undergraduate Biology Classrooms”
- March 24: Rattan et al (2012) "It's okay - Not everyone can be good at math"
- April 11: Pazicni and.Bauer (2014) “Characterizing illusions of competence in introductory chemistry students”
- April 27: Holt et at (2015) “The Greatest Learning Return on Your Pedagogical Investment: Alignment, Assessment or In-Class Instruction?”