Moodle is a web-based course management system which allows faculty to easily set up interactive online spaces for their courses without having to know how to create web pages. Faculty can upload syllabi, host discussions, accept assignments electronically, send email to their students, give quizzes, and much more. Moodle is also used by many departments, organizations and committees on campus.

Kenyon's Moodle install is at It is currently running version 4.3. To see an overview of changes in the new version, take a look at the 4.3 new features page

Moodle Help Pages

Moodle Basics for Instructors | 

Moodle Help Playlist on YouTube | 

Turnitin Guide for Instructors

A note on Turnitin: most faculty at Kenyon prefer using Turnitin through Moodle, since it simplifies managing multiple usernames and passwords for both faculty and students. However, it is possible to run your class directly through if you prefer. It is also possible to run only specific suspect papers through Turnitin's plagiarism detection feature instead of requiring it of the whole class. Contact Joe Murphy,, for more information.

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