The Kenyon Ten: Marissa Sun

Student Council President Marissa Sun ’25 discusses her love of music and how she’s found community in acapella.


Student Council President Marissa Sun ’25

Since Marissa Sun ’25 came to Kenyon in the fall of 2021, she’s found a sense of community all around her — from her faculty mentor in the psychology department to the students in POCapella, an acapella group for people of color for which she is the president. As a leader on campus — she is president of Student Council and a board member for Kenyon Asian Identities (KAI) and the Environmental Campus Organization — she is proud to be able to advocate for students and help create that sense of community for others.

Besides Gambier, where is your favorite place in the world to be?

With my family.

Why did you come to Kenyon?

I came to Kenyon because of the beautiful campus. I also wanted to study psychology, and it is regarded as a natural science here. (Later, I found out they just hired an amazing psychology and law professor who is currently my mentor! Shout-out to Associate Professor Margaret Stevenson!). And the financial aid package was competitive.

Fill in the blank: My experience at Kenyon would not be the same without ______.

The people — especially my communities in KAI and POCapella. 

What is your favorite Kenyon tradition?

The optional First-Year Sing. I love the shift of being a nervous/confused first year singing on the steps to a sophomore heckling the new first years only to be shushed by Professor of Music Ben “Doc” Locke.

What Kenyon class would you love to take — again or for the first time?

“Psychology and the Law” or “Evolution.” I learned so much in those classes and thoroughly enjoyed each lecture.

If there was a soundtrack to your Kenyon experience, what song would be on repeat? Or is there a movie that represents your time on the Hill?

I’m not good at these questions, so I can’t think of a good answer, but I love “Everything Everywhere All At Once” and cry each time I watch it.

Where do you find satisfaction outside of your work?

Singing and writing songs; cooking or watching movies with friends; or on a call with my family.

What is something interesting that you have read recently?

My sister’s new book, which is called “If I Have to Be Haunted.” It’s at the bookstore. Read the acknowledgements section :)

What new skill would you like to learn?

I have recently been learning both boxing and coding, and I definitely want to learn more. If I had to pick a new skill though, I would say either snowboarding or the piano. 

What is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given?

This is more encouragement than advice, but my dad has said something along the lines of, “Don’t quit something just because it is hard. Everything is hard. Just do what makes you happy, and we will support you.” My mom has also said, “You pierced your own ears, so I know you can do anything.”

The Kenyon Ten is an occasional question-and-answer feature that highlights students, faculty and staff.