Spring Flings

Spring break was full of exciting opportunities for some students to travel as part of academic investigations, career explorations and extracurricular passions.


Spring break represents an important pause in the academic calendar, but for many students, it was as busy — and exciting — as ever.

For some, the break offered a once-in-a-lifetime chance to continue their learning with their professors in far-flung places. Others toured the country with their singing group or sports team. A few even met up with alumni to explore a possible career path as part of a job shadow. 

With a student body as diverse as Kenyon’s, there were a million and one ways to spend spring break — including powerlifting! Here are a few of the interesting ways that students made the most of their time off.

Students at Galapagos sustainable farm
Book donation group photo

Book Drive

Students and staff used spring break to deliver 1,000 new and used books donated by the campus community to the International Book Project in Lexington, Kentucky, where they’ll begin a journey to Ukrainian refugees.

Strong Stuff

Zoë Goykhman ’28, a powerlifter who last year set a world record in her age group by deadlifting 453 pounds, traveled to the East Coast to take part in the Powerlifting America Garden State (New Jersey) Open Championships. There the Pennsylvania native qualified for nationals. (Photo Courtesy of Barbell Productions)