Kenyon notified of investigation by United States Department of Education

Kenyon received notice this week that it will undergo a Title IX investigation by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Kenyon is cooperating fully with the investigation.


Kenyon received notice this week that it will undergo a Title IX investigation by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Kenyon is cooperating fully with the investigation.

In its notification to the College, the Office of Civil Rights advises that "opening an allegation for investigation in no way implies that the OCR has made a determination with regard to its merits." The federal government is currently investigating 272 cases at colleges and universities nationwide.

The College is committed to promoting a campus environment free of sexual harassment and all forms of sexual intimidation and exploitation. As part of this commitment, President Sean Decatur initiated a review of the College’s Title IX policy and procedures last April, appointing a steering committee of faculty, staff, students and trustees to oversee the process. Led by Ruth Fisher P'18, a member of the Kenyon College Board of Trustees, and Ted Mason P'10, associate provost and professor of English, the committee engaged independent compliance auditor Rebecca Leitman Veidlinger to conduct the review. Her report should be completed by the end of the semester, and the findings will be shared with the campus community.

More information about Kenyon’s Title IX policy is available online at Federal privacy laws prohibit the College from comment regarding specific Title IX cases.

Students and employees with questions or concerns about sexual violence, sexual misconduct, or sex discrimination are encouraged to contact Civil Rights/Title IX Coordinator Samantha Hughes, the Health and Counseling Center, or Kenyon's Sexual Misconduct Advisors.