Employees to receive additional time off over winter break

For this year only, the College will extend its annual winter closure by three days.


For this year only, the College will extend its annual winter closure by three days, giving most employees a full two weeks off over winter break. In addition to the already scheduled holidays (Dec. 24–25, Dec. 31–Jan. 1) and closures (Dec. 28–30), the College will be closed Dec. 21–23. The College will reopen on Monday, Jan. 4.

“2020 has been a year like no other, and many staff and faculty have been working nonstop, going above and beyond, since March,” said President Sean Decatur. “We all need to recharge, and the senior staff hopes that this extended closure makes it easier to unplug, spend time with loved ones, and turn the page on a new year.” 

Like other days when the College is closed, employees — including part- and full-time hourly employees who normally would work these days — will be paid without the use of vacation time. This includes members of collective bargaining units.

Some employees who provide essential services will be asked to work during this time. Those employees will receive an equivalent paid day off during the academic year, scheduled in consultation with their supervisor.   

Most campus facilities will be closed during this period; the Bookstore will operate on an adjusted holiday schedule. Campus Safety will maintain a contact list of “on call” employees in key offices in case of an emergency.