COVID-19 Update: Return to Activity Level 1 on Friday


Dear Kenyon College community,

Based on the results received to date from re-entry testing, campus will return to Activity Level 1 on Friday, Dec. 3, and Peirce dining rooms will reopen starting with breakfast. Among the 1,089 results received so far, there are 3 positive results. Given our sample size and composition, it is reasonable to expect similar results among the 529 pending tests. (Note that about 150 students were exempt from testing due to testing positive for COVID-19 within the past 90 days; any student who failed to comply has been referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for a conduct violation). 

We appreciate the precautions the community has taken to ensure a smooth return from break. And we encourage everyone to remain vigilant so that we can all enjoy a successful completion of the semester. 

With sincere thanks,

COVID-19 Steering Committee