A member of the Class of 1973 was inspired by Alan Goldsmith’s October letter about including Kenyon in his estate plans. In an effort to support Kenyon’s important work today and in the future, this anonymous donor has offered a matching gift. They will match 5% of the value of every new planned gift from the Class of 1973 with an immediate gift to the Kenyon Access Initiative, up to $250,000. 

Kenyon recognizes a broad range of current and future gifts, extended over several years, as part of an individual’s 50th reunion gift. Your gift(s) established through estate plan provisions and other vehicles all count toward the individual and class total.

How It Works

As a show of gratitude for an excellent education, and in honor of his 50th Reunion, John Crowe Ransom decides to leave a gift of $50,000 to Kenyon in his will. After meeting with his attorney, John tells Kenyon about his gift. The anonymous donor directs an immediate 5% match of John’s intended planned gift, $2,500, to the Kenyon Access Initiative to support current students.

If you have considered including Kenyon in your estate plans, now is the time to act. 

If you are already a member of the George Wharton Marriott Society but haven't filled out the non-binding Estate Confirmation Form, now is the time to solidify your plans.

How to Participate

  1. Name Kenyon in your will, trust, or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or financial account. (We have suggested language below.)
  2. Document your gift intention with Kenyon by June 30, 2023. (Remember, you can leave just a portion of your estate to Kenyon while still supporting other individuals and charities you care about. We don’t need to know the exact amount that will come to Kenyon. We understand these gifts depend on many unknowns, so an estimate of your intention is perfectly acceptable.) 
  3. While matching funds remain, your classmate will give 5% of the value of your planned gift to the Kenyon Access Initiative. These dollars will support scholarships for our most talented students, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. And the dollars will go to work today!

Language for Your Will or Trust

“I give, devise and bequeath to Kenyon College, an Ohio nonprofit corporation, at Gambier, Ohio __________ ($ amount or % of estate) to be used to further the objectives and purposes of the College.”

  • Kenyon College Tax Exempt Identification Number: 31-4379507
  • Address: Development Office, 105 Chase Ave., Gambier, OH 43022

To establish a new endowed fund through your estate, please contact Kate Daleiden at daleiden1@kenyon.edu or 740-427-5729.

If you have already included Kenyon in your estate plans, please let us know so we can put your gift to work today through this matching gift opportunity.

Life income gifts will also be eligible for the match. To see an illustration of what your payment stream could look like, please be in touch with Kate Daleiden at daleiden1@kenyon.edu or 740-427-5729.

Kate Daleiden

Senior Director of Major and Planned Giving
Phone Number
College Relations 222