Why take the Music Theory Placement Exam?
You might wish to take the Music Theory Placement Exam if you are interested in taking a class on music theory at Kenyon.
The purpose of the exam is simply to help us determine the best class for you — Music 101 (Basic Musicianship) or Music 121 (Music Theory) — based on your knowledge of and familiarity with musical rudiments.
Students with AP Scores
If you took the AP Music Theory exam and scored a 4 or 5, you do not need to take this exam; if you scored a 4, your recommended placement is Music 121; if scored a 5, please contact Professor Ted Buehrer (buehrert@kenyon.edu) to discuss options.
Students in Ensemble and Private Lessons
You do not need to take the Music Theory Placement Exam if you wish to participate in an ensemble or take private instrumental or voice lessons.
How to Sign Up
To sign up for the Music Theory Placement Exam, please complete this form by Monday, Aug. 19.