The Crozier Center for Women is at the center of several upcoming events saluting the “revolutionary activism” at the heart of Women’s History Month.
- Activities will kick off Thursday, March 20, with a tabling event in Peirce Hall distributing issue-oriented stickers and zines, including some related to reproductive rights.
- There will be a screening of the 1990 documentary “Paris Is Burning” about the drag scene in New York City on Saturday, March 28, starting at 6 p.m. in Oden Hall’s Archon Auditorium.
- A second documentary screening in April will feature 2023’s “Kokomo City,” which focused on and was written and directed by Black trans people.
- Look out for more information about an April 5 workshop with speaker Sophie Sandberg, a gender justice activist and multimedia artist.
- Also in the works is an exhibit on the evolution of Black feminism.
Please stay tuned for more information about these forthcoming events. If you have any questions about the programming, please contact the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at
Kenyon is committed to creating inclusive events. Contact ODEI at to discuss access considerations needed to participate fully in this event.