Who plans all the physics trips? Who are the people that organize physics merch? Who gives out candy on or after Valentine’s Day? To get these answers and more please join us on March 28 as the Society of Physics Students hosts a special colloquium for Bring Your Child to Work Day.
This event is open to all children and parents or guardians across all departments on campus. We will give a brief presentation welcoming our visitors, introducing your officers, and distributing some physics-themed stickers. Afterwards, please join us in enjoying some phantastic physics alongside the children of the college. From catapulting objects at high velocities, to making ice cream with dry ice, the physics department will gather as a community to celebrate the awesomeness of the subject that brings us all together. To steal our predecessor's words, “It’s Physics Time!”
Pizza and drinks will be in Hayes 216 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Friday, March 28. Activities will begin at 12:10 p.m. in Hayes 211/213. We hope to see you there!