In the second of this fall's honors presentations, Lucy Shamel '24 will share her research on entangled states of three Rydberg atoms.

Neutral Rydberg atoms, or atoms in highly excited states, have many properties that are useful when studying quantum information or building quantum devices. Our lab has recently studied entangled states of three Rydberg atoms, which might find applications to qutrits or three-quibit gates. The strong coherence of these entangled states is the key to their usefulness. Shamel will be investigating the properties of these states, specifically their coherence time, to see how we might control and prolong it. 

Join us on Thursday, Sept. 21, for our second honors talk this semester presented by physics students pursuing honors. Lunch will be available in Hayes 216 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and the presentation will begin in Hayes 211/213 at 12:10 p.m. Come and support your fellow physics classmates. We hope to see you there!