Every summer, many of our students participate in the summer research program. Students work as full participants in the processes of creating a research plan, executing a research project, and preparing results for presentation in a public forum. Learn more about the research done by your fellow mathematics and statistics students. 

This week's panelists include several students who worked both on and off campus for their research.

  • Jimmy Baker '26 worked with Professor Holdener this summer through the Kenyon Summer Science Scholars program on the abundance index and triperfect numbers, a topic within number theory.
  • Kyle Kelley '25 engaged in a remote research experience through Virginia Commonwealth University researching how polynomials of graphs represent themselves in respective Lie algebras.
  • Christophe Leblanc '25 worked with Professor Snipes this summer through the Kenyon Summer Science Scholars program on the Lavrentiev Phenomenon, which is a problem in the calculus of variation.
  • Lief Schaumann '25 was a part of the REU Program at Moravian University where he worked with several other participants on a topic in number theory known as integer covering systems.

Join us on Monday, Sept. 16, at 3:10 p.m. in Hayes Hall 109 to hear these exciting presentations and perhaps learn how you too can get involved in summer research programs. We hope to see you there!