Do you still get cravings for a Lisa Carver original omelet? Do you remember those NCA darties at the dawn of spring? Did you see that band at the Horn before they were cool? It’s time to wake up, Owls: it’s been five years.
We know the pandemic stole a few years, nevertheless, the Class of 2019’s five-year reunion is coming up fast — May 24-26 to be exact! You can register starting on Friday, March 1. If you haven’t already, you’re going to want to update your contact info by emailing to stay looped into all things reunion. And yes, please tell your friends to update their contact info, too.
Your friends on the 2019 Reunion Planning Committee and staff from the alumni office are hosting a virtual pre-reunion Q&A session on Thursday, Feb. 15, at 8:30 p.m. ET on Zoom. We’ll share some preliminary event news and answer your questions on everything from pricing to housing and registration to travel. We’ve missed you badly and can’t wait to see you soon!
Your Class of 2019 Reunion Committee
Clara Altfeld, Devon Chodzin, George Costanzo, Hudson Farr, Brady Furlich, Marli Volpe, Madeline Westover, Jasmine Wilson
Can't make it to this event? Check out our YouTube channel after the event to view a recording.
Questions? Please contact the Office of Alumni and Parent Engagement at
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