An emergency can happen at any time. The information that follows offers guidelines for the Kenyon community on how to handle various dangerous situations. You can help by reading these guidelines and being prepared.

Emergency Telephone Numbers

  • In an emergency, call 740-427-5555 or 740-427-5000 press option #1
  • Knox County Emergency Services: 911
  • Campus Safety non-emergency line: 740-427-5221
  • Health and Counseling: 740-427-5525

RAVE Alerts

Information on College closing and weather emergencies will be sent to the campus community through email or the RAVE Emergency Alert System. RAVE alerts go automatically to cell phones, landlines and email accounts.

If you witness a crime or become a victim of a crime or a sexual offense, you can contact the Campus Safety Emergency Line at 740-427-5555, Knox Emergency Services (911), use the Rave Guardian App, or call from one of the 23 emergency blue light call boxes.

Review the Sexual Misconduct section for further resources if you become a victim of a sexual offense. 

If you observe a perpetrator commit a crime, do not block the perpetrator's avenue of escape. Instead, get a good description of the perpetrator, note their direction of travel, and obtain vehicle information if pertinent.

Do NOT follow the perpetrator. Let the perpetrator leave the scene. If followed, the perpetrator may panic and cause you harm.

Apply first aid procedures only if you have been trained to do so. Do NOT attempt to move severely injured victims. Do try to help victims by keeping them calm and comfortable. Prepare to report as much information as possible.

If someone threatens to harm themselves, contact Campus Safety at 740-427-5555 for advice and additional support.

Do not let people into a locked building, residence halls or office unless you work with them or they have been properly identified. If the person gives you any problems, call Campus Safety at 740-427-5555.

In the event that a suspicious person is seen on campus or suspicious calls are received contact Campus Safety immediately.

ALWAYS keep the door to your room locked when you are working alone or whenever you're going to leave your room for any amount of time.

Don't investigate a suspicious person or noise by yourself. Contact Campus Safety immediately.

Keep a list of emergency numbers with you.

If you need to walk alone at night:

• Plan your route

• Make sure someone else knows your plans

• Always carry your phone with you 

• Walk in an alert and confident manner and pay attention to your surroundings.

• Keep your hands free except for a flashlight and your phone

• Avoid wearing headphones when walking alone

• Choose the best lit, most traveled paths when walking

Safety escorts can be requested by calling the Office of Campus Safety at 740-427-5000. 

There are twenty three (23) blue-light emergency-call boxes on campus. These stations immediately connect you with Campus Safety. Do not hesitate to use the call boxes for emergency assistance and information, medical assistance, fire alert, to report crimes, suspicious persons, vehicular accidents, or if you feel unsafe for any reason.

There is no handset; simply push the button and begin speaking. You will be in two-way communication with a safety officer. If you are unable to speak, an officer will be dispatched to the call box location immediately. If you are unable to remain in the area, give your name and your intended direction of travel.

The Rave Guardian App can be downloaded from the iOS App Store or Google Play and provides several tools you can use to enhance your safety on campus:

Make emergency calls and provide safety tips: Call or provide tips (including photos) to Campus Safety about an unsafe situation on campus, or call 911 directly from the app.

Directly contact friends or family: Import contacts and communicate directly with trusted contacts.

Set a safety timer: If you’re heading out alone, set a safety timer. The app automatically notifies your contacts if the timer expires before you disable it.

Guard someone else: Receive safety notifications on behalf of others.

Create a safety profile: Automatically share key information about yourself, including a photo and information about medical conditions or allergies, in the event of an emergency.

Through the Rave Guardian app, you can provide anonymous reports to Campus Safety. 

More about Rave Guardian

Kenyon College RAVE Emergency Alerts can be sent through text, voice, and email accounts. RAVE Emergency Alerts is the avenue used by Kenyon to inform the campus community of any significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees that may be occurring on campus. 

Knox Alerts is designed to instantly reach cell phones, landline numbers, email addresses, pagers, and desktop alerts when an urgent county alert needs to be communicated. In the event of an emergency, a text message, voice call, or email will be sent to the contact information you registered with the system. 

Register for Knox Alerts (PDF)

Specific response to a campus-wide threat where community members seek safety in a locked or secure space, and/or limit movement between and within campus spaces. Campus Safety will secure exterior doors that are part of the card access system and occupants of buildings not on the card access system will secure exterior doors and windows. Campus events will be canceled and services will be limited to essential operations until the threat is under control. A RAVE alert will be sent to the campus community with instructions.

Shelter in Place

Some emergencies will require you to remain inside. "Shelter in place" means staying put and, if possible, choosing a small room with as few windows as possible for refuge. To shelter in place:

• Stop classes, work, or business operations.

• Remain inside the building and ask others to do the same (assign an individual to ensure other occupants know of the need to shelter in place).

• If possible, relocate to a room on the safest floor, preferably interior, with the fewest windows and vents, as far as possible from the location of the incident.

• Call emergency contacts to let them know who is sheltering in place and that they are safe.

• Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and other openings to the outside.

• Erect barricades or obstacles once in the room. If you are in a room with windows, stay away or out of view of the window.

• Remain sheltered until directed otherwise by College officials.

Campus Restricted Access

Response to a threat where exterior doors remain locked to limit access to and between buildings. This typically occurs when there is a threat to a specific area of, or in relative proximity to, campus. While normal movement is permitted within buildings, campus events may be canceled and services may be limited until the situation is resolved. Community members with permission can use their K-cards to access campus buildings; those without permission will need to make arrangements to gain access. Buildings without card access will designate a staff member to coordinate access and ensure that exterior doors remain secure.

Campus Safety and/or KEPT will closely monitor the situation and determine which events and/or services may be limited. A RAVE alert will be sent to the campus community with instructions.

1. Keep in mind that evacuation is not appropriate in all emergencies (see "Shelter in Place").

2. If an evacuation is announced, see listed building plans for specific guidance.

3. Remain calm and leave quickly.

4. Take only essential personal items, such as current medications, glasses, and cell phones.

5. As you exit, make sure all building occupants have heard the evacuation command. Quickly check restrooms, storage rooms, and other separate spaces as you go.

6. If requested, assist persons with disabilities who appear to need direction or help.

7. Shut all doors behind you as you go. Lock residence hall rooms, if possible.

8. DO NOT turn off any circuit in the electrical panels while leaving the building. 

9. Once you have evacuated a building, keep moving to a good distance, to guarantee your safety and to make room for emergency personnel.

10. Should it be necessary to evacuate campus, directions will be given and transportation will be provided.

11. Pay close attention to instructions from emergency personnel.

In an emergency:

• Do not hesitate to call 740-427-5555 to inform emergency ­personnel of your situation.

• If you are unable to evacuate on your own, and no assistance is available, try to get to the nearest exit stair or remain in your room.

• If you are unable to evacuate or call 740-427-5555, ask someone leaving the building to notify emergency personnel of your location.

Persons with mobility issues:

Individuals who need special assistance in an emergency (even ­temporarily) should plan in advance.

• Notify administrators in buildings you use regularly.

• Notify your community advisor.

• Identify two people to provide assistance in evacuating ­buildings and in notifying emergency personnel of your status.

Preparedness can make a big difference in your ability to cope with an emergency, and it's not hard to assemble a simple disaster-supply kit. Keep the following basic items in a place where you can find them easily should the need arise.

• Flashlight with extra batteries

• Battery-powered radio

• Cell phone portable battery charger

• Drinking water

• Three-day supply of necessary medications, extra glasses, and other personal health essentials

• First-aid kit

• Emergency blanket (mylar)

• One complete change of clothing

How to respond when an active shooter is in your vicinity

1. Run

• Have an escape route and plan in mind

• Leave your belongings behind

• Keep your hands visible

2. Hide

• Hide in an area out of the active shooter's view

• Erect barricades or obstacles to your hiding place. Lock the door(s). If you are in a room with windows, stay away or out of view of the window.

3. Fight

• As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger

• Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter

• Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter

Call the Campus Safety emergency phone number at 740-427-5555 or Knox County Emergency Services at 911 when it is safe to do so.

How to respond when law enforcement arrives on the scene:

• Remain calm, and follow officers' instructions

• Immediately raise hands and spread fingers

• Keep hands visible at all times

• Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to hold on to them for safety

• Avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling

• Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises

Information you should provide to a law enforcement officer or 911 operator:

• Location of the victims and the active shooter

• Number of shooters if more than one

• Physical description of shooter/s

• Number and type of weapons held by the shooter/s

• Number of potential victims at the location

If you are taken hostage:

1. Do not attempt to escape unless you are sure you can do so safely

2. Remain calm and be polite and cooperative. Speak normally and do not complain

3. Do not draw attention to yourself or make sudden movements

4. Observe the hostage-takers and try to memorize features or clothing that might help identify them

5. Try to establish a good relationship with the hostage-takers (to make them less likely to harm you)

6. Try to stay low to the ground, behind cover, and away from windows

Health and Counseling Center information:

Health Services Contact Number: 740-427-5525

Counseling Services Contact Number: 740-427-5643

Location: 104 Scott Lane (near Campus Safety)

Health Services Hours Of Operation:

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed Noon - 1 p.m for lunch).

Counseling Services Hours of Operation:

Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (closed Noon - 1 p.m for lunch).

TELUS Health Student Support:

Available 24/7 by calling Campus Safety at 740-427-5221.

Good Samaritan Policy

To ensure that students receive prompt and appropriate attention for alcohol intoxication or drug impairment and that there are no impediments to seeking such assistance, the College hereby institutes a Good Samaritan policy. In those instances in which a student calls the Office of Campus Safety or another College office for assistance with an intoxicated or impaired student, neither the individual calling nor the student in need of assistance will be charged with violations of the College's policies on alcohol and other drugs.

See the Student Handbook for more information, and information about state and local laws governing the sale, consumption, and use of alcohol and other drugs.

Sexual misconduct in any form is a serious violation of College and community standards, and it will not be tolerated at Kenyon. Sexual misconduct includes sexual harassment, non-consensual sexual contact, endangering the health of another person through disease or condition that can be transmitted sexually, sexual exploitation, and non-consensual sexual intercourse. Read more about Kenyon's Civil Rights Policy and on- and off-campus resources.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual misconduct, please contact:

• TELUS Health Student Support counselors are on call 24/7. To reach a TELUS Health counselor, students should call Campus Safety at 740-427-5221 and request to be transferred.

• Kevin Peterson, director of the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX coordinator can inform you about supportive resources, options for resolving situations, and accommodations. Kevin can also help limit contact with other individuals on campus through the coordination of dining times, study times and other times. Kevin can be reached at 740-427-5245 or

• Medical care is available through Health Center staff, who can be reached at 740-427-5525 during normal business hours or through Campus Safety (740-427-5555) at other times.

• Alternate housing arrangements are possible through the Housing and Residential Life Office (740-427-5142). Outside business hours, Housing and Residential Life staff can be reached through the Campus Safety Office (740-427-5221).

• Academic support is available through the dean of academic advising and support at 740-427-5145.

• View the Civil Rights Policy for Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

Sexual offenders are required by state and federal law to register information with law enforcement regarding where they live, work and attend school. Members of the general public may request to receive notification of such information. In Gambier, where the Knox County Sheriff’s Office is the primary law enforcement agency, go to to search online for sex offenders and to register for email alerts. Search and email alerts are also available online through the Ohio Attorney General’s statewide database. In other jurisdictions, the information can be requested by contacting the chief of local law enforcement.

If you smell smoke or see flames, pull the nearest fire alarm ­immediately.

1. Evacuate the building if:

• An uncontrolled fire of any kind exists.

• A fire alarm sounds.

• There is smoke or the strong smell of something burning.

• Surrounding materials become abnormally hot.

2. If there is smoke, crawl.

3. Feel doors before opening them. If the door or a metal knob is hot, do not open it. If the knob is cool, brace yourself against the door, open it slightly and if heat or heavy smoke is present, close the door and stay in the room.

4. If you get trapped, keep doors closed and place cloth material around and under doors to prevent smoke from entering. Signal for help by hanging an object at the window to attract the attention of firefighters.

5. If you catch on fire, stop, drop and roll to smother the flames.

6. Go to the nearest exit or stairway. If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat, or smoke, go to another exit.

7. Do not use elevators.

8. Activate the building fire alarm if it is not already sounding.

9. Do not re-enter the building until safety officers say it is safe to do so.

10. Notify Campus Safety at 740-427-5555 or Knox County Emergency Services (911) from a safe distance.

11. Review your fire rally points. See “Kenyon College Fire Alarm Rally Points” for the link to the rally points.

Fire Alarm Response

Once a fire alarm is activated in a Kenyon College-owned building:

1. The Office Campus Safety will start their response to the building where the fire alarm is activated.

2. The Office of Campus Safety dispatch officers will notify 911 to start the response from the Mount Vernon Fire Department. 

3. Campus Safety officers will try to determine the source of the alarm while Mount Vernon Fire Department is en route to the fire alarm. If it is determined that the reason for the fire alarm does not warrant a response from the fire department (ex. Smoke from cooking, steam, known maintenance issues, etc.), the Office of Campus Safety will communicate this information to the responding fire department. 

4. Kenyon College staff and students located in a building during an active fire alarm will need to exit the building and move towards their designated fire rally point.

5. Officers within the Office of Campus Safety, Mount Vernon Fire Department, and/or Kenyon College Maintenance Electricians (Electricians will only reset the alarm if it is a known mechanical issue) will be the only responders to a fire alarm allowed to silence or reset any active fire alarm on campus property. 

6. At no point should staff other than those stated above should silence or reset any fire panel that shows an active fire alarm or active trouble alarm. 

7. If there is a reason for an extended evacuation of a building, officers within the Office of Campus Safety or designee will relay this information to those to have evacuated the building. 

8. When it is safe to return to the building with an active fire alarm, the Office of Campus Safety or designee will inform all those who had to evacuate the building.   

Fire Alarm Rally Points

View Kenyon campus rally points.

Campus Safety monitors weather conditions and issues Rave message alerts when severe weather threatens. Severe weather updates will be issued through Rave emergency alerts.

Weather Apps:

• The Weather Channel App

• Accuweather App

• NOAA Weather App

Tornado Watch: This means conditions are favorable for possible formation. 

Tornado Warning: This means that a tornado has been spotted nearby and is possibly approaching. 

Tornado Warning Siren 

If there is a tornado warning and the tornado emergency siren in the Village of Gambier is sounding, the emergency siren will sound for three minutes followed by seven minutes of silence. 

If the siren sounds or if severe weather approaches:

1. If outdoors, stay away from buildings, windows, telephone or electric poles, and trees.

2. If outdoors, get to a low-lying area such as a ditch or ravine and lie face down with your head and face covered.

3. Seek shelter in a basement or ground floor hallway away from windows, or a door frame. Get under a table or a desk.

4. Do not use elevators.

5. If requested, assist persons with mobility issues to the safest area on the same floor.

6. Once inside, stay away from windows, mirrors, glass, and unsecured objects such as cabinets and bookcases.

7. Remain protected until the danger has passed at least ten minutes after the sirens have stopped.

8. Call Campus Safety at 740-427-5555 or call Knox County Emergency Services (#911) to report injuries or damage.

9. Review your tornado shelter-in-place locations. 

Tornado Shelter-In-Place Locations

View campus tornado shelter locations

Village of Gambier Tornado Siren Weekly Test

It's Friday at noon. What's that noise? It's the tornado warning siren — just a test. If you hear the tornado warning siren and it's not Friday at noon, seek shelter. All is clear when you hear two 30-second signals separated by a thirty-­second silence.

Power outages are not uncommon at Kenyon. When they happen, please stay safe: be careful when you have to move about in the dark, and keep away from downed power lines, fallen trees, or damaged branches that might fall. Don't go outside during high-wind conditions. Assist others who may be unfamiliar with the space or have mobility restrictions. Turn off all electrical equipment. Do not use elevators. Do not use candles for lighting. If instructed to evacuate, please proceed cautiously to the nearest clear exit. And be prepared: have a flashlight (and extra ­batteries) ready.

If you detect a fuel leak, evacuate immediately and then contact ­Campus Safety at 740-427-5555. Do not use electronic devices near the leak. Do not return to the area until permitted to do so.

If you receive notification of any kind indicating that there might be a bomb on campus, get as much information as possible and notify Campus Safety at 740-427-5555 or Knox County Emergency Services (911) immediately.

If you receive a written bomb threat, ensure the document is handled as little as possible, and pass it on to safety officers as soon as possible. If the written threat is received by electronic means, save it and call Campus Safety immediately.

If you receive a bomb threat on the telephone, calmly gather as much information as possible by keeping the caller on the line; ask for details about the bomb, and try to gather information about the caller (sex, age, location). Have someone else notify Campus Safety, and notify the office yourself once the call has ended. Write down all information.

After contacting Campus Safety, await instructions. Do not pull a fire alarm or evacuate a building on your own.

Signs of a potentially dangerous package include excessive postage, handwritten or poorly typed addresses, incorrect titles, titles without names, no return address, misspellings of common words, excessive weight, lopsided or uneven packaging, visual distractions, oily stains or other discolorations, peculiar odor, ticking sound, protruding wires or aluminum foil, excessive security material, restrictive endorsements ("personal," "confidential") or a postmark that does not match the return address.

What to do once a package has been identified as suspicious:

• Do not move or handle the package.

• Evacuate the area and call Campus Safety at 740-427-5555 or Knox County Emergency Services (911).

If you notice a suspicious person or notice a suspicious vehicle on campus, please call Campus Safety immediately at 740-427-5555. You will be asked to give as much detailed information regarding the description of the person and/or vehicle. Remember, do not put yourself in harm's way and only get the information if it is safe to do so. Below are lists of details to make note of, if possible.

• Description of a person: Note the sex of the individual, race, age, height, weight, hair, eyes, complexion, scars, clothing (from head to toe), weapon, build (skinny, athletic, etc.), location last seen, the direction of travel, unusual characteristics (glasses, beard, jewelry, tattoos, etc.)

• Description of a vehicle: Note if it is a 2-door, 4-door, van, truck, sports car, station wagon, motorcycle, or other. Note the make of the vehicle, approximate year, full size, or compact. Note the color of the vehicle (top and bottom). Note the license plate number, state, and or license plate color.

• Look to see how many people are in the vehicle.