Yutan D. Y. L. Getzler has always liked working with his hands and taking things apart so he can put them back together. Since arriving at Kenyon in 2004, his scholarship has focused on sustainability in materials science. In collaboration with Kenyon undergraduates, he developed one of the first catalysts to make a new topology of poly(lactic acid), a biodegradable plastic derived from annually renewable feedstocks. Another project seeks to understand the design of bespoke degradable polymers for specialty applications. Recent work has built a theoretical framework for an ideal circular polymer economy. His work has been extramurally funded and publications at Kenyon include manuscripts in Macromolecules and Nature Reviews Materials.

Getzler is also the Pamela G. Hollie Endowed Chair, Global Challenges, a professorship funded by D. Matthew Voorhees ’95 that encourages engagement with international issues.

Areas of Expertise

Catalysis, polymer chemistry, recycling


2004 — Doctor of Philosophy from Cornell University

1998 — Bachelor of Science from Beloit College, Phi Beta Kappa

Courses Recently Taught

This course offers an introduction to the chemical basis of environmental issues and the environmental consequences of modern technology, with particular emphasis on air and water pollution. Topics include fossil fuels, nuclear power and solar energy, ozone depletion and the greenhouse effect, pollution and toxicology of heavy metals and pesticides, and environmental impact statements. These topics are developed through lectures, discussions and class demonstrations. This course is required for the Environmental Studies Concentration. This counts toward the additional skill course requirement for environmental studies. No prerequisite. Offered every two years.

This laboratory course accompanies CHEM 121 and 122 with an introduction to modern experimental chemistry. Laboratory experiments explore inorganic synthesis, molecular structure and properties, and spectroscopy, with an emphasis on laboratory safety, computerized data acquisition and analysis, and the theory of analytical instrumentation. The laboratory work is organized around individual and team projects. Communication skills are developed through proper use of a laboratory notebook. One three-hour laboratory is held per week. Corequisite: CHEM 121 or 122. First-years and sophomores only. Offered every fall semester.

This lecture course offers a study of the chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. Theoretical principles are developed with particular emphasis on molecular structure and reaction mechanisms. The descriptive aspects of organic chemistry include strategies for synthesis and the study of compounds of biochemical interest. Prerequisite: grade of C+ or higher in both CHEM 124 and CHEM 126; or grade of C+ or higher in both CHEM 122 and CHEM 123. Offered every spring semester.

This course is a continuation of CHEM 231. This lecture course offers a study of the chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. Theoretical principles are developed with particular emphasis on molecular structure and reaction mechanisms. The descriptive aspects of organic chemistry include strategies for synthesis and the study of compounds of biochemical interest. This counts toward advanced course electives requirement for the major. Prerequisite: CHEM 231. Offered every fall semester.

This laboratory course introduces fundamental methods in organic chemistry research and complements the topics covered in the lecture course, CHEM 231. This is achieved by carrying out experiments and research projects involving topics such as isolation of a natural product, oxidation and reduction reactions, and reactions of alkenes. The techniques include liquid extraction, distillation, recrystallization and thin-layer and gas chromatography. Compounds are identified and assessed for purity by melting-point determination, refractometry, gas chromatography, and infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Appropriate record-keeping on laboratory notebooks and writing laboratory reports is emphasized. This course is required for the major. Prerequisite: CHEM 126; or CHEM 122 and 123. Corequisite: CHEM 231. Offered every spring semester.

This laboratory course extends and applies the techniques developed in CHEM 233 to more advanced experiments in organic synthesis including open-ended experiments derived from current research projects. A particular emphasis is placed on using chemistry databases, experimental design and planning, laboratory notebooks and record-keeping, analytical and preparative chromatography, advanced NMR techniques (2-D) and writing research laboratory reports. Upon successful completion of the two-course organic chemistry lab sequence (CHEM 233/234), students have the skills needed to thrive in a synthetic organic chemistry research laboratory. This counts towards the advanced lab electives requirement for the major. Prerequisite: CHEM 233. Corequisite: CHEM 232. Offered every fall semester.

In this laboratory course, students engage in multiweek, multistep projects that integrate both modern organic synthesis and advanced high-field nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. This course meets for one three-hour laboratory period per week. This counts toward advanced lab elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite: CHEM 234. Not offered every year.

Section 01 (0.25 unit): Students engage in independent research under the direction of a faculty mentor. The time requirement is at least three hours in lab per week. Students learn to search literature and give professional presentations. This course also provides an introduction to scientific writing. More details can be obtained from the department chair. Permission of instructor required. Offered every semester.\n\nSection 02 (0.5 unit): This section is a prerequisite to CHEM 497 and 498. The time commitment is six to eight hours per week in lab. Students learn to search literature and give professional presentations as well as to write scientifically. More details can be obtained from the department chair. This counts toward advanced lab elective for the major. Permission of instructor required. Offered every semester.

This is a required course for all chemistry majors, including those involved in independent research. The course covers topics relating to chemistry research. Weekly meetings involve searching chemistry literature; analyzing primary research articles: and discussing ethics, trends, funding and other issues relating to chemistry research. During the semester, students give written and oral presentations of primary research articles. This counts toward a required advanced lecture course requirement for the major. No prerequisites. Senior standing. Offered every fall semester.

The emphasis is on independent research in collaboration with a faculty mentor, culminating with a thesis that is defended orally to an outside examiner. See department chair or website for full description. Permission of instructor and department chair required. Prerequisite: GPA of at least 3.2, enrollment in Section 02 of CHEM 375.