Affiliated Departments & Programs
Sandye joined the Kenyon College staff in 2014 as administrative assistant (AA) to the Department of Political Science and the Integrated Program for Humane Studies (IPHS). Now as AA to the Anthropology and Sociology departments, and to the Law & Society program. she provides administrative support functions for all things departmental. Her responsibilities include maintaining budgets, coordinating faculty searches, updating the departments' web pages, providing services to students and faculty, planning/coordinating departmental events and guest speakers, preparing data for reports, hiring/supervising department student office assistants, managing the departments' office and more. Most recently, Sandye has been trained and added responsibilities in a new role as one of Kenyon College's Campus Mediators.
Sandye is a graduate of the Ohio State University, where she earned a bachelor's degree in journalism. Prior to employment at Kenyon, Sandye was employed at McGraw Hill Education Division, where she worked first as a math textbook Production Editor and then as Licensing and Copyright Coordinator. She and her husband Don, have resided in Mt. Vernon for over 20 years where they raised their 2 sons. When not at Kenyon, Sandye loves to bicycle, take road trips, and she volunteers with her church and other community activities.