Natalie Wright joined the Kenyon faculty in 2017 after earning her Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico and completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Montana. She studies the evolution, ecology and anatomy of birds with a focus on flight.

Wright aims to understand how flight affects bird evolution and how ecological factors drive the evolution of flight. Her lab uses a variety of methods, including detailed studies of bird anatomy using museum specimens, phylogenetic comparative analyses across large datasets and biomechanics experiments in both the lab and field. Current work focuses on evolution toward flightlessness in island birds and understanding how baby songbirds develop the ability to fly. Wright has extensive experience studying wild birds in a variety of locales in the United States, Peru, Malaysia and Caribbean islands.

Areas of Expertise

Morphological evolution, ornithology, evolutionary ecology, biomechanics


2015 — Doctor of Philosophy from Univ New Mexico Albuquerque

2009 — Master of Science from University of Florida

2005 — Bachelor of Science from University of Florida

Courses Recently Taught

Evolution is the major unifying theory of biology. This course introduces the processes of evolution, most of which can be examined in contemporary time through experiment, theory, simulation and examination of patterns in nature. The class format combines lecture, activities and discussions. Topics include Darwinian natural selection, population genetics, adaptation, speciation, reconstructing phylogenetic history, macroevolution, sexual selection, and the consequences of evolution for conservation and human health. Examples are drawn from all levels of biology, from molecular to ecological. Students read, analyze and discuss primary literature in the evolutionary biology. This counts toward the upper-level environmental biology requirement for the major. Prerequisite: BIOL 116.

This course explores questions of how and why vertebrates came to be structured the way they are. We use both comparative and functional approaches to study how the anatomy of vertebrates has evolved and diversified over hundreds of millions of years. We examine how anatomy relates to function; for example, how do different musculoskeletal arrangements allow for different types of movement? We investigate anatomical adaptations to a variety of environments to understand how different vertebrates have solved anatomical and biomechanical problems. Each of the primary vertebrate organ systems (integument, skeleton, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital and nervous) is covered in detail. Students read and analyze papers from the primary literature. This counts toward the upper-level organismal biology/physiology requirement for the major. Prerequisite: BIOL 116 and concurrent enrollment in BIOL 248. Generally offered every year.

This course is a hands-on exploration of the anatomy of vertebrates. Students learn to identify major components of all of the primary vertebrate organ systems (integument, skeleton, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital and nervous). To understand patterns of vertebrate evolution, we examine and compare specimens from all major vertebrate groups, including mammals, birds, cartilaginous fishes, ray-finned fishes, amphibians and non-avian reptiles, including extinct organisms. We also perform experiments in biomechanics to understand how vertebrate form shapes function and movement. Dissections are required. Students are tested via practical quizzes and exams. This counts toward the upper-level laboratory requirement. Prerequisite: BIOL 109Y-110Y, BIOL 116 and concurrent enrollment in BIOL 247. Generally offered every year.

Ornithology is the scientific study of birds, integrating ecology, evolution, genetics, behavior, anatomy, and physiology. Students build upon their previous coursework in these sub-disciplines to deepen their knowledge across these scales of biological organization while focusing on birds. A synthesis project gives students practice with this integrative approach while connecting scientific knowledge to conservation problems and proposed solutions. This course relies extensively on discussion of the primary literature. This course counts toward either the organismal biology/physiology or environmental biology upper-level requirement for the major. Prerequisites: one of the following courses: BIOL 228, BIOL 241, BIOL 243, BIOL 247 or, BIOL 261 and concurrent enrollment in BIOL 331.

In this capstone seminar, students explore current research topics in biology by writing a mini-review on a topic of their choice. In doing so, students analyze and integrate information from research articles that connect specific studies to broader biological questions and propose future work that refines and extends prior studies. Students communicate their insights in both oral and written formats. Assignments include short essays, student presentations, a general-audience piece and peer review. This course counts toward the upper-level lecture course requirement for the biology major. Senior standing and biology or molecular biology major.

This course continues the honors research project and gives attention to scientific writing and the mechanics of producing a thesis. A thesis is required and is defended orally to an outside examiner. The letter grade is determined by the instructor and project advisor in consultation with the department. Permission of instructor and department chair required. Prerequisite: BIOL 385 and 497.