Melina Singh received her Ph.D. in social psychology with an emphasis in feminist studies in 2023 and joined Kenyon's Department of Psychology as a teacher scholar fellow in 2024. Through interviews, focus groups and other qualitative methods, her interdisciplinary research examines how racism, sexism and classism are reflected in social policies and institutional practices. She is especially interested in policies related to poverty, health, and the criminal legal system, as well as their impacts on low-income women and their families. Her scholarship is rooted in principles of intersectionality, Black Feminism and reproductive justice.

Areas of Expertise

Psychology and public policy; intersectionality; reproductive justice


2023 — Doctor of Philosophy from Univ of California Santa Cruz

Courses Recently Taught

Social psychology is the systematic study of social behavior. In general, it examines how we are affected by our social environment: how we perceive and interpret the behavior of others and the social situation, how we respond to others and they to us, and the nature of social relationships. Application of social psychological theory and methodology is encouraged through participation in small-scale laboratory or field observational studies. This counts toward the person and society requirement for the major. Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or 110 or AP score of 5. Generally offered every year.

Psychological research about women and gender is examined critically in this course. We examine research on gender stereotypes, on gender differences and similarities in behaviors, and on how gender relates to sexualities, power in society and experiences in the workplace. We examine the variety of theoretical perspectives that are used to try to explain gender-related behaviors. We use a variety of learning tools such as projects, papers, quizzes and discussion to learn the material. This counts toward the person and society requirement for the major. Prerequisite: PSYC 100 or 110 or AP score of 5. Typically offered every year.