Matthew Rouhier joined the faculty at Kenyon in 2013. His research focuses on mosquito-borne disease and xenobiotic transport — the mechanisms by which foreign molecules are recognized and removed — in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti.

Areas of Expertise

Insect biochemistry, xenobiotic transport, photodynamic molecules

Courses Recently Taught

This laboratory course accompanies CHEM 121 and 122 with an introduction to modern experimental chemistry. Laboratory experiments explore inorganic synthesis, molecular structure and properties, and spectroscopy, with an emphasis on laboratory safety, computerized data acquisition and analysis, and the theory of analytical instrumentation. The laboratory work is organized around individual and team projects. Communication skills are developed through proper use of a laboratory notebook. One three-hour laboratory is held per week. Corequisite: CHEM 121 or 122. First-years and sophomores only. Offered every fall semester.

This lecture-discussion course continues the introductory chemistry sequence started in CHEM 121. We explore the chemical principles of molecular structure, bonding, reactivity, electrochemistry, kinetics and intermolecular forces. Chemical principles are explored in the context of current issues in the study or application of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 121 or 122. Offered every spring semester.

This laboratory course extends and applies the techniques developed in CHEM 233 to more advanced experiments in organic synthesis including open-ended experiments derived from current research projects. A particular emphasis is placed on using chemistry databases, experimental design and planning, laboratory notebooks and record-keeping, analytical and preparative chromatography, advanced NMR techniques (2-D) and writing research laboratory reports. Upon successful completion of the two-course organic chemistry lab sequence (CHEM 233/234), students have the skills needed to thrive in a synthetic organic chemistry research laboratory. This counts towards the advanced lab electives requirement for the major. Prerequisite: CHEM 233. Corequisite: CHEM 232. Offered every fall semester.

This course is an introduction to fundamental laboratory techniques in biochemistry. The focus of the course is the isolation, purification, characterization and detailed kinetic analysis of an enzyme of interest. This course meets for one three-hour laboratory period per week. This counts toward advanced lab elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHEM 256, and declared major in chemistry, biochemistry, or molecular biology. Offered every spring semester.

Advanced selected topics in advanced chemistry and biochemistry are explored with an emphasis on reading and discussing current scientific research and literature. Topics covered vary by faculty interest each semester and typically relate to interesting applications or emerging techniques within organic, biophysical, biochemical, materials or analytical chemistry. Offered every semester, sections will change. Inquire with the chair and look for announcements for the specific topic in a given semester. Please see the schedule of courses each semester for the section being taught. This counts toward advanced course elective requirement for the major. Offered every semester.

This course is a community engaged course where students will learn how to promote the understanding of STEM sciences to the general public of Knox County. The objectives of this course revolve around a service­ learning project with our community partner, SPI (where Science and Play Intersect!) of Mt. Vernon. The course participants will read primary literature about science learning, generate new scientific communications, work as teams to produce science installations and will further their own understanding of the principles of STEM. This course involves several trips to SPI, the main floor of the Wright Center in Mt. Vernon, so students will need to arrange their own transportation or ride the Knox Area Transit’s Purple Shuttle to attend some classes. No prerequisite.