Marissa Gee joined the Kenyon faculty in 2024, after completing a Ph.D. in applied mathematics at Cornell University. Her research focuses on applications of optimal control — the study of how to effectively influence a modeled system in order to achieve a desirable outcome. Her projects combine techniques from mathematical modeling, partial differential equations and numerical methods, and they are motivated by applications in robotics and ecology.

Gee is passionate about and fascinated by teaching and learning. She values active participation and experimentation in class and encourages students to view math as an exploratory process with more than one possible correct answer.

In her free time, Gee enjoys reading, choral music, knitting and taking her cat for walks.

Areas of Expertise

Optimal control; mathematical modeling; numerical methods


2021 — Master of Science from Cornell University

2018 — Bachelor of Science from Harvey Mudd College

Courses Recently Taught

The first course in the calculus sequence, this course covers the basic ideas of differential calculus. Differential calculus is concerned primarily with the fundamental problem of determining instantaneous rates of change. In this course, we study instantaneous rates of change from both a qualitative geometric and a quantitative analytic perspective. We cover in detail the underlying theory, techniques and applications of the derivative. Elementary differential equations and their applications are also introduced, along with the basics of anti-differentiation. Students who have 4 credit hours for calculus may not receive credit for MATH 111. This counts toward the core course requirement for the major. Prerequisite: solid grounding in algebra, trigonometry and elementary functions. Offered every semester.

This is the second course calculus sequence, this course focuses on integration, including Riemann sums, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration, numerical methods, and applications of integration. This study leads into the analysis of differential equations by separation of variables, Euler's method, and slope fields. This counts toward the core course requirement for the major. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or the equivalent. Offered every semester.

This course focuses on the study of vector spaces and linear functions between vector spaces. Ideas from linear algebra are useful in many areas of higher-level mathematics. Moreover, linear algebra has many applications to both the natural and social sciences, with examples arising in fields such as computer science, physics, chemistry, biology and economics. In this course, we use a computer software system, such as Maple or Matlab, to investigate important concepts and applications. Topics to be covered include methods for solving linear systems of equations, subspaces, matrices, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear transformations, orthogonality and diagonalization. Applications are included throughout the course. This counts toward the core course requirement for the major. Prerequisite: MATH 213. Generally offered three out of four semesters.

The "Elements" of Euclid, written over 2,000 years ago, is a stunning achievement. The "Elements" and the non-Euclidean geometries discovered by Bolyai and Lobachevsky in the 19th century form the basis of modern geometry. From this start, our view of what constitutes geometry has grown considerably. This is due in part to many new theorems that have been proved in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry but also to the many ways in which geometry and other branches of mathematics have come to influence one another over time. Geometric ideas have widespread use in analysis, linear algebra, differential equations, topology, graph theory and computer science, to name just a few areas. These fields, in turn, affect the way that geometers think about their subject. Students consider Euclidean geometry from an advanced standpoint but also have the opportunity to learn about non-Euclidean geometries. This counts toward the continuous/analytic (column B) elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite: MATH 222. Offered every other year.

This course introduces students to the concepts, techniques and power of mathematical modeling. Both deterministic and probabilistic models are explored, with examples taken from the social, physical and life sciences. Students engage cooperatively and individually in the formulation of mathematical models and in learning mathematical techniques used to investigate those models. This counts toward the computational/modeling/applied (column D) elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite: STAT 106 and MATH 224 or 258. Offered every other year.