Jennifer Galvão is a writer from New York. She is a graduate of the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan. Her fiction has been published in the Masters Review and has received recognition from the Sewanee Writers’ Conference and the DisQuiet International Luso-American FLAD Fellowship. She is the recipient of a Geoffrey James Gosling Novel Prize and a Hopwood Novel Award. She is at work on her first novel.
Areas of Expertise
Creative writing, contemporary short fiction
2022 — Master of Fine Arts from University of Michigan
2019 — Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Geneseo
Courses Recently Taught
This course introduces students to the elements of fiction writing. While each section of the course varies in approach and structure, activities and assignments may include intensive reading, workshops, writing, short and flash fiction, and exercises emphasizing various aspects of fiction such as place, dialogue and character. Students should check the online schedule for specific descriptions of each section. This counts toward the emphasis in creative writing and the creative practice requirement for the major. Admission to this course is open, though students may not take it in the first semester of their first year. Seats are reserved for students in each class year. Offered every year.
Prerequisite: ENGL 103 or 104. Only open to first-year and sophomore students.
This workshop focuses on discussion of participants' fiction as well as on exercises and playful experimentation. Principally, we are concerned with how stories work at every level. As we consider narrative strategies and practical methods for developing individual styles, along with approaches to revising work, we also read, as writers, a variety of outside texts. This counts toward the creative writing emphasis and toward the creative practice requirement for the major. Prerequisite: ENGL 200, 202 or 204 (or an equivalent introductory workshop) and permission of instructor via application. Consult the department for information on the application process and deadlines.