Ennis B. Edmonds came to Kenyon College in the fall of 2003. Formerly, he taught in sociology and pan African studies and directed the Pan African Studies Program at Barnard College, Columbia University.

His areas of expertise are African Diaspora religions, religion in America and sociology of religion. His research and publication have focused primarily on Rastafari, but also on other religious traditions in the Caribbean. Current research interests include the conversion of Rastas to evangelical Christianity, the Jamaican religious group called Revival Zion and religion in Afro-Caribbean and African American popular culture and literature.

Areas of Expertise

African diaspora religions, religion in America, sociology of religion and Caribbean society and culture.


1993 — Doctor of Philosophy from Drew University

1983 — Master of Arts from Western Evangelical, Jamaica

1981 — Bachelor of Arts from Jamaica Theological Seminary

Courses Recently Taught

This course explores the contours of the religious expressions of the African diaspora in the Americas. It surveys various Orisha traditions in Cuba, Brazil, the United States and Trinidad and Tobago; Regla de Palo and Abakua in Cuba; Kumina in Jamaica; Vodou in Haiti and the United States; Afro-Christian traditions in Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana; and Rastafari in Jamaica and beyond. The course pays close attention to the social history of these traditions, their understanding of the universe, their social structure and their rituals and ceremonies. This course provides students with an understanding of the formation and history, major beliefs and ceremonies, leadership and community structure, and social and cultural significance of these religious traditions. This counts toward the religions of distinct geographic regions requirement as American. No prerequisite. Offered every two years.

This course familiarizes students with the diverse histories of religious traditions in the greater Caribbean. This class focuses on the diversity and complexity of religious life, particularly what Cuban anthropologist Fernando Ortiz called transculturation, the unequal cultural exchanges, interactions, and combinations between different groups in a society. Ortiz exemplified this with the Cuban dish ajiaco, a stew that brings together African, European, indigenous American, and Asian ingredients. With this in mind, we focus specifically on Afro-Atlantic, European, Indigenous, and Asian American traditions in the Caribbean and ways in which their practitioners have adapted to the often times violent circumstances of European colonialism, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the indentured labor scheme, and their aftermaths. Examples may include Santería or Lucumí, Hinduism, Vodou, popular forms of Christianity, and Palo Monte, among other religions. We study the ways in which peoples from all over the world came or were forced to come to the Caribbean and had to make new lives in new places with one another and the cultural and material resources they had available to them. The course explores themes such as slavery, colonialism, and resistance, diversity, racialization, and religious racism, race and policing, authority and popular culture, religious freedom and the law, and migration and diaspora. This course counts toward the religious geographic region requirement for the major as American religions. No prerequisite.

Emerging from an alienated and marginalized people trapped in the underside of Jamaica's colonial society, the early Rastas drew inspiration from the crowning of Haile Selassie I to sever cultural and psychological ties to the British colonial society that for centuries had disparaged African traditions and sought to inculcate European mores in Jamaicans of African descent. Furthermore, the early Rastas made the newly crowned potentate the symbol of their positive affirmation of Africa as their spiritual and cultural heritage. From its humble beginnings, the Rastafari movement has cemented itself in the religious and cultural life of Jamaica and has extended its influence around the world, garnering adherents in most major cities and in many outposts around the world. This course exposes students to the identity creation of Rastafari via the espousal of a particular view of the world and the fashioning of a distinctive lifestyle. It also explores the internal dynamics of the movement, its spread to disparate parts of the world, and its influence on cultural expressions in the Caribbean and beyond. This advanced course emphasizes close reading, analytical writing and guided discussion. We make use of videos (video clips) and reggae music to elucidate aspects of the topic. This counts toward the religions of distinct geographic regions requirement as American. No prerequisite. Offered every two years.

Religious spaces, ideas and practices have exerted a formative influence on the cultures of the people of African descent in the Americas. Nowhere is this more evident than in the musical traditions of the African diaspora. This course examines the relationship between African diaspora religious expressions and popular music in the United States and the Caribbean. It focuses primarily on the African American (U.S.) musical traditions, rara from Haiti, calypso from Trinidad and Tobago, and reggae from Jamaica. Special attention is given to the religious roots of these musical expressions and their social functions in shaping identity and framing religious, cultural and political discourses. Readings, videos/DVDs and CDs, along with presentations and discussions assist us in the exploration of the various facets of our topic. This counts toward The religions of a distinct geographic region as American. No prerequisite. Offered every two years.

The world around us is teeming with microorganisms, many of which are capable of bringing us to our knees. Despite this looming devastation, most individuals manage to remain healthy, not succumbing to the ever-present pathogens in our environment. For that, we must thank the immune system. Immunology is the study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms employed to protect against infection. The cells and organs of the immune system are many and they play varied important roles in health and development. Every day, components of the immune system must identify harmful invaders and eliminate them, a process that requires critical distinction between host vs. harmful cells. They also provide long-lived protection against recurring infection. In this class, we will embark on a journey through the immune system. We will explore the mechanisms employed by the innate immune system to provide first response to foreign invaders. Additionally, we will dissect the complex processes by which cells of the adaptive immune system recognize and respond to pathogens and establish long-term immunity. Lastly, we will explore the consequences of improper/impaired immune response in a variety of contexts. This counts toward the upper-level cellular/molecular biology requirement for the major. Prerequisite: BIOL 255, 263, 266 or 283.