Benjamin R. Locke directs the Kenyon College Chamber Singers, the Kenyon Community Choir and the Knox County Symphony. In recent years, Locke's work has centered around South Africa and the Libertas Choir, a mixed-race choral ensemble based near Capetown. He has served as guest conductor for the group while in Capetown, collected material for his College ensembles to perform and helped to coordinate the Libertas Choir U.S. tour.

Locke is often given credit for reinvigorating Kenyon's music program since his arrival in 1984. He was a recipient of the College's Trustee Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1992.

Areas of Expertise

Choral conducting, Brahms' choral works, music and society in South Africa


1985 — Doctor of Music from Univ of Wisconsin-Madison

1982 — Master of Music from Univ of Wisconsin-Madison

1975 — Bachelor of Music from Mary Manse College, Toledo

Courses Recently Taught

This is an intensive course in the basic materials of music: pitch elements (scales, intervals, chords), time elements (meter, rhythm) and notation. Emphasis is on the development of basic techniques of music-making: sight-singing, ear-training and keyboard work. Suggested for first-year students or those new to the department. No prerequisite. Generally offered every semester.

This course is designed primarily for music majors to prepare them for the specific problems and issues that confront the instrumental and/or choral conductor. The class focuses on developing conducting techniques of the individual student in laboratory situations and perhaps public performance. In addition, students read extensively in the philosophy of conducting and performance. One aim is to synthesize their knowledge of music history and music theory in the presentation of their ideas. This counts as an elective for the major. Permission of instructor required. Prerequisite: MUSC 202, 203, 204 or 205 and MUSC 121Y. Offered every other year.

The Kenyon Community Choir is a large chorus designed to perform literature for chorus and orchestra (or piano accompaniment). Sacred and secular works from the Baroque period to the present are performed at concerts and college functions. Membership is open to students, faculty, staff and other community members. Those who formally enroll should expect to meet requirements beyond the regular weekly rehearsals. This is not a yearlong course, and registration is required each semester. A voice placement audition and permission of instructor are required. No prerequisite. Offered every year.

The Knox County Symphony is a community-based orchestra that performs three to four times per year, including one combined concert with the Kenyon choirs. Literature includes the standard symphonic and concerto repertoire. Enrollment is limited depending on the needs of the orchestra; therefore a competitive seating audition and permission of instructor are required. This is not a yearlong course, and registration is required each semester. Offered every year.

The Kenyon College Chamber Singers are a small choir devoted to the literature for chamber ensemble, both a cappella and accompanied. The class meets five hours per week, and members are required to make concerts and the spring tour a priority. This course may be repeated. This is not a yearlong course, and registration is required each semester. A voice placement audition and permission of instructor are required. No prerequisite. Offered every year.

Prerequisite: permission of department chair.