Wendy Singer is an historian of South Asia, whose research focuses, primarily, on the twentieth century. Currently serving as associate provost, her goals are to support faculty in advancing their research and teaching at every stage of their careers and to promote Kenyon’s aims to further globalize the campus and integrate interdisciplinary studies fully into the curriculum. 

She is committed to Kenyon’s international partnerships, for example, through the Humanities across Borders Consortium and our joint technical writing workshops at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The latter is a collaborative effort with Professor Chris Gillen in the Biology Department at Kenyon and Professors Sudarsan Padmanabhan and Sriram Kumar at IITM.

As a scholar of modern India, her research connects the history of the anti-colonial movements to the development of the post-independence state, Some of these ideas are addressed in the recent article, (2021) "Women in the State: Elected Women and the Challenge of Indian Politics (1957–62)," South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00856401.2021.1890257,. Relatedly, she is writing a monograph on the history of "Reservations," India policy, somewhat like affirmative action, that provides designated seats in Parliament, state legislatures and other institutions for under-represented groups. The research for this book was sponsored by a Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Grant in 2012. 

Some of Singer’s earlier work lays the groundwork for this scholarly path. For example, an essay, about reservations and elections, “A Seat at the Table,” appeared in the Election Law Journal in 2012 and the book, A Constituency Suitable for Ladies and other Social Histories of Indian Elections, describes the culture of election process that imagined different constituencies and how to address their needs. And at the heart of all of her work is her commitment to the social history of Indian citizens — women and men of different classes — their political mobilization and their everyday lives. This began with her first book, "Creating Histories: Oral Narratives and the Politics of History-Making," about peasant movements in the state of Bihar in the 1930s.

Other projects have come about along the way. For example, in response to the need for a post 1947 Indian history textbook, Singer published "Independent India: 1947-2000," available from Routledge Press. And she had an unusual opportunity to meet with and interview the Dalai Lama in association with a project on the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. Results of that interview, sponsored by a Kenyon grant from the National Endowment for Humanities and the Ohio Humanities Council, include “Post Colonial Dharamsala,” in the journal Salt and “The Dalai Lama’s Many Tibetan Landscapes” in the Kenyon Review.


2021-2022 Kenyon's Distinguished Faculty Service Award
2018 Faculty Academic Advising Award

Areas of Expertise

History of India and South Asia, Indian politics, globalization and migration, transnational communities.


1988 — Doctor of Philosophy from Univ Virginia

1984 — Master of Arts from Univ Virginia

1982 — Bachelor of Arts from Univ Virginia

Courses Recently Taught

This capstone seminar is taught by Asian Studies Program faculty in rotation and is organized around a common theme that integrates the various disciplines and regions of Asia. Through readings, films, guest lectures and other activities, the course leads students to synthesize their academic and personal (e.g., off-campus) experiences in a broader comparative perspective. Students produce work that examines one or more topics of their own interest within the comparative Asian framework. Required for Asian studies concentrators and joint majors. This interdisciplinary course does not count toward the completion of any diversification requirement. No prerequisite. Permission of instructor required. Senior standing. Offered every spring.

The displacement and economic consequences of climate change and the fact that global economic inequality is dramatically increasing are interrelated problems. Furthermore, we thought the spread of democracy would help solve these things. It turns out we have been led astray by policymakers and some of the scientists and social scientists who informed them. This course tackles not only the biggest issues confronting our world today, but also the history of how governments, scientists and policymakers have tried to tackle them. In this class we study different disciplinary approaches to climate change and global economic inequality and how successful they have been in crafting solutions over the past 70 years. The sources for this course include media coverage, economic analysis, scientific studies, novels, films and government reports. Borrowing from the experiences of people across the world, we seek new ideas for approaches to common problems. This counts toward the modern and Asia/Africa requirements for the major. No prerequisite. Offered every two or three years.

People make sense of their past by telling stories about it. This course focuses on the rich and exciting traditions of literature in India as a way of studying its past, and as a way of studying history itself. Some Indian writers, such as Salman Rushdie, Arundhati Roy and Anita Desai, have, in fact, brought India's history to the world through their fiction. But what different visions of India do they choose to portray? This course examines their work, but also the work of lesser-known Indian writers and filmmakers, as a way of seeing how Indian intellectuals themselves have defined and described India on the one hand and "history" on the other. How have these images changed over time? Among the recent films we may see are "Earth," "Train to Pakistan," "East Is East" and "Hyderabad Blues." Each challenges viewers’ notions of the past as its characters confront it. This counts toward the modern and Asia/Africa requirements for the major. No prerequisite. Sophomore standing.

The Honors Program is designed to recognize and encourage exceptional scholarship and to allow able students to do more independent work than is otherwise feasible. The senior honors candidate works with members of the international studies faculty to prepare an extended essay on a topic of mutual interest, which is defended before an outside examiner in May. For more detailed information about honors in international studies, see the department chair. Students standing for honors must also take the senior seminar. Students enrolled in this course are automatically added to INST 498Y for the spring semester. This interdisciplinary course does not count toward the completion of any diversification requirement. No prerequisite. Permission of instructor and program director required.