Kenyon's Student Council consists of elected officers who serve on a variety of committees

Student Council President

The president presides over all meetings of Student Council, fostering an atmosphere where all interests of the student body are being heard. The president also oversees the work of the standing and ad hoc committees, acts as a liaison between students and the College president and vice president for student affairs, and casts a tie-breaking vote.

Current: Marissa Sun

Vice President For Academic Affairs

The vice president for academic affairs serves as the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, appoints student members to the Committee on Academic Standards (CAS), the Academic Infractions Board (AIB) and the Curricular Policy Committee (CPC), serves as a liaison between the Division of Academic Affairs and the student body, and serves as the presiding officer in the absence of the president. 

2024-25: Andrew Pilat

Vice President for Student Life

The vice president for student life serves as the chair of the Student Life Committee, facilitates student government officer elections, acts as a liaison between the student body and the dean of student development, and works to enrich the non-academic lives of students to increase the quality of life on campus.

2024-25: Drew Sutherland

Vice President for Business and Finance

The vice president for business and finance serves as the chair for the Business and Finance Committee (BFC), facilitates the appoint process of BFC members, monitors financial matters of Student Council, affiliated committees and registered student organizations, and liaises between the student body and the College's vice president for finance. 

2024-25: Eun Hae Lillig

Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion leads the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee where they seek to raise awareness and address issues of diversity and inclusion on campus, with specific regard to these issues within the purview of Student Council. The committee seeks to represent and act on the needs of historically marginalized groups in the Kenyon community and beyond.

2024-25: Hannah Sussman and Guagui Vallejos

Campus Senate Student Co-chair

The Campus Senate student co-chair keeps Student Council up to date on the discussions of the senate and the reports from the faculty and Staff Council. They also promote the issues raised by the council to the senate and its respective coordinating bodies; coordinate the approval of Student Council by-laws with the senate; and fulfill other duties as assigned by the advisor.

 2024-25: Cooper Bertschi

Additional senators for 2024-25: Jeremiah Griffin (sophomore), Harrison Solomon (junior), Peter Haas (senior)

Class Presidents

Class presidents are responsible for oversight of their class committee, for representing the interests of their class to Student Council, conducting duties for the benefit of their class, and facilitating a membership selection process for committee members as outlined in each committee’s individual procedures.

2024-25: Juliette Leclerc (sophomore), Fiona Hendryx (junior), Will Bryant (senior)

Director of Operations

The director of operations takes and distributes minutes and all other Student Council communications, maintains attendance records for minutes, and acts as the parliamentarian among other duties. The director of operations is appointed to the council by the executive committee upon the start of a new academic year.

2024-25: Ciaran Strimaitis

Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability Chair

The buildings and grounds chair leads the Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability Committee, which creates dialogue between students and administrators surrounding the current state of campus buildings and grounds projects.

 2024-25: Abby Warshauer

Safety and Wellness Chair

The safety and wellness chair leads the Safety and Wellness Committee where they are responsible for gathering student feedback and creating dialogue between the students and the administration on the topics of student safety and wellness.

 2024-25: Madelin Vandeberg

Housing and Dining Chair

The housing and dining chair leads the Housing and Dining Committee, which addresses and represents student needs in regards to housing and dining. Topics include accessibility, allergy accommodations, lottery process, division and theme housing and dorm infrastructure.

 2024-25: Aakash Gunturu