“Place and Purpose: Kenyon at 200” celebrates the College's beautiful campus, extraordinary history and powerful sense of belonging. Magnificently illustrated with photographs and archival material, the book includes major chapters by eminent architecture critic (and former Kenyon trustee) Paul Goldberger, longtime College historian Tom Stamp ’73, and Professor of English Adele Davidson ’75. Emeritus sociology professor Howard Sacks and Judith Rose Sacks widen the book’s scope by exploring the College’s ties to its rural surroundings. Adding to the visual richness is a portfolio of Knox County photographs by professor of art emeritus Gregory Spaid ’68.
“A campus such as Kenyon’s is a gift passed from one generation to the next. ... In the time we pass here, we need to be careful, thoughtful stewards of the buildings and grounds that helped create one of the country’s most beautiful environments for learning. We need to make sure that succeeding generations look back on this one with appreciation and pride in its accomplishments.”

This book of more than 300 pages is also a colorful tapestry of voices and images. Dozens of alumni and professors have contributed vivid personal stories and moving reflections — evoking the distinctive character of the Kenyon experience, the diversity of Kenyon lives, and the ways that experience and landscape are intertwined. Additionally, a section called “My Kenyon” features memories submitted by many other alumni, as well as photos and artifacts.
“Kenyon was the long walk back to my dorm across Middle Path at 3 a.m. after spending fourteen grueling, exhilarating consecutive hours in the Collegian office editing articles and writing headlines. Kenyon was the deafening roar of voices in Peirce Hall, at a circular table surrounded by my best friends. Kenyon was the serenity and stillness of the Kokosing Gap Trail, the sticky September nights that smelled of cheap beer, and that one spot in Ascension Hall that became my home away from home.”
Purchasing the Book
“Place and Purpose: Kenyon at 200” is available for purchase through the Kenyon College Bookstore.