Name | Contact | Department or Center | Profile Image |
Noah AydinProfessor of Mathematics
Muslim Student Association Advisor
Areas of Expertise
Coding theory, cryptography, history of mathematics
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Marissa GeeAssistant Professor of Mathematics
Areas of Expertise
Optimal control; mathematical modeling; numerical methods
Brad HartlaubProfessor of Mathematics and Statistics
Brian D. JonesProfessor of Mathematics
Erin LeathermanAssociate Professor of Statistics
Areas of Expertise
Design and statistical analysis of computer experiments
Rutherford B. Hayes Hall 309-A
Phone Number
(740) 427-5799
Bob MilnikelProfessor of Mathematics
Areas of Expertise
Mathematical logic, justification logic, non-monotonic logic
Tomas Miguel RodriguezVisiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Areas of Expertise
Operator theory; several complex variables
Carol SchumacherProfessor of Mathematics
Areas of Expertise
Primary: Real Analysis. Secondary: Differential Equations.
Jim SkonProfessor of Mathematics and Computer Science
Areas of Expertise
Computer science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, computer science pedagogy, and visualization of complex mathematical spaces.
Marie SnipesAssociate Professor of Mathematics
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Steve SlackProfessor Emeritus of Mathematics
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Gordon LovelandDirector of Laboratories, Depart of Mathematics and Physics
Emily TeaterAdministrative Assistant in the Academic Division