Studying Classics at Kenyon

Classics is an interdisciplinary field at whose core lies the study of the primary evidence for all aspects of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. A knowledge of the classics also enhances understanding in a variety of disciplines, including art and architecture, history, political science, philosophy, religion, drama, linguistics and modern literatures. 


A Timeless Discipline

Distinguished by expert faculty, inquisitive students and innovative alumni, the Kenyon classics department offers a foundational lens for examining and remedying present-day challenges.

  • 4different majors are available: Greek, Latin, Greek and Latin, or classical civilization.

  • Tales of the Looted

    Associate Professor of Classics Zoë Kontes examines the stories behind illicit antiquities in her podcast, Looted.

  • Theater of War

    Founder of the Theater of War, Bryan Doerries ’98 uses ancient Greek tragedies as a catalyst for conversations about dark, complex issues.

Phone Number
Department of Classics 
Ascension Hall 
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022